A life together

Olive and Ernest Wright

My wife was admitted into Noosa Hospital. She was for 17 years a patient for treatment under Doctor Sybil Kellner and the wonderful nurses in Oncology.

Wednesday April 5th I was also admitted into Noosa Hospital.

What was then arranged by the doctors and nurses was just something you would never expect reading about or seeing after all the bad reports from some Hospitals in Queensland we are getting.

But we live in Noosa where only the very best we have learnt to accept happens, but should never take for granted.

I was transferred from Triage to a two-bed ward in D section just as my wife arrived after a transfer from the room she was in, so we could be together.

Doctor Newman and Doctor Henshaw and administration with the wonderful nurses there organised all this.

Of course there are all those other wonderful people who keep the wheels turning from pathology, cleaners, tea and meal ladies, wardies and physio to ensure patients have only the very best. Thank you all.

There were a lot of heartbreaking thank yous through the tears from myself and some of my family over the next four days and three nights.

My wife and I held hands when we made our vows 61 years ago.

“Til death us do part“

Due to those wonderful doctors and nurses at Noosa Hospital we were able to do the same when it finally did.

Ernest Wright,
