Learn about Glossy Blacks from an expert

Burgess Creek Project leader Ben Alexander.

Do you know how to expertly identify a Glossy Black Cockatoo from other black cockatoos by sight and sound?

To find out join the Burgess Creek Project group as they welcome a number of Australia’s prominent GBC researchers to Rainbow Park for a short in-depth talk about Glossy Black Cockatoos. We will learn from Dr Daniella Teixeira about the GBCs nesting and breeding habits and from Dr Gabriel Conroy and Janet Carew about the feeding habits of the species. We will come to understand better why they are considered vulnerable, why we need to act now to save this beautiful species and what we can do as a community to ensure the species thrive into the future.

The talk will be appropriately held around the Glossy Black Cockatoo waterhole in Rainbow Park.

The talk presented by Daniella Teixeira, Gabriel Conroy and Janet Carew will be held on 7 November from 9.30-11am at Rainbow Park (South end).