Well, after a long wait we finally saw the first bigger rain event last Thursday night.
With some parts of the state in full flood, Noosa certainly got a top up. This is great news as the baitfish and prawns will be pushed down making finding the fish a little easier. While the fresh is moving down river, you may need to adjust your techniques, so read on.
Offshore, the winds have kept many inside the river, but the charter boats and higher powered boats made safe bar crossings. With North Reef popular there appears to be some good sized pearl perch and good eating size snapper. Cobia are also featuring in the 6kg size range as well as the odd tuna from down deep. If you can find the ground, jewfish also frequent this spot and will take bait and lures. For those that like to jig, the Berkley skid jig in 100g will give you a bit of flash and flutter that jewies love.
Closer in, anglers are starting their search for an early season Spanish or broad barred mackerel. We may see a few and there certainly has been reports of bite offs. Before we hit the crazy pelagic season, be sure to load up with chrome lures and wire. If you want to make some gang hooks then grab some Mustad Tarpon hooks and we can show you how to make a gang hook with the correct tools. With the rains you should find some good size sweetlip and pearlies. You may find the odd bigger snapper and cobia too. With the rains pushing bait out from the rivers its always worth fishing in close. You can try smaller 4 inch curly tail plastics and be sure to load up on scent or even tuna oil. Dipping plastics in tuna oil works wonders so be sure to try it out.
Surf fishing has seen many new gutters open up and with the rains the predatory fish will be making the most of the dirtier waters. There are reports of tailor in low light as well as all the usual suspects of bream, dart and whiting. If you usually throw a small running sinker for whiting and bream, why not try a snell hooked whole whitebait. Let this get washed through the gutter or along in the current if fishing around the river mouth as this can be deadly on flatties laying in wait.
Talking about flatties laying in wait, this method has accounted for some cracking fish inside the river. We now have dirtier conditions which are much needed. A big downpour can push a lot of food and nutrient-rich water down and fish will follow this. As we push toward a full moon next week, fish activity should start to increase, especially as the tides start to build from Monday onward. Night fishing will be one of the better times to fish and jacks and flatties will be on the move. Be sure you grab bigger 4 inch paddle tail plastics and soft vibes for night fishing as vibration is key to success. The new Berkley Shimma shrimp is going to be deadly in all areas so make sure you have a couple. The profile and action is sure to make them a hit! Also the use of scent is a must at night as fish rely on their other senses to locate food.
Up river may be quiet while the everglades spill freshwater so be sure you move around and have keep a watchful eye on your side scan sounders as big schools of small jew and GT could be just out of range of normal sounders.
Freshwater has seen a top up with both Lake Macdonald and Borumba Dam still under 100 per cent capacity. With a sudden rise in levels it’s going to be a case of have sounders running and have a deep diving slow moving lure out the back. If after a great action, small diving lure the Rapala fat jack will work really wall around the deeper areas as it gets down to three metres. Quite often bass will school up in deeper waters as the temperatures can be more stable so look around the main basin areas.
Now for all the latest information log onto fishingnoosa.com.au for up-to-date bar and fishing reports, don’t forget to drop into Tackle World Noosa, Noosa Boating and Outdoors and Northshore Bait & Tackle in Marcoola for all the right equipment, bait and advice to get you catching. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and remember Tight Lines and Bent Spines!