The Rainbow Beach Green turtle nest hatching was worth the wait.
The community interest in this nest was supreme.
The Green turtle nested in late November on the beach in front of the Shores, Rainbow Beach.
This nest was not at risk from high tide inundation.
A protective barrier was set up around the nest.
Beach walkers and locals kept a watchful eye on their nest.
Green and Loggerhead turtles have nested along Inskip, Rainbow and Teewah beaches but this was the only nest accessible for viewing.
After 76 long days (the incubation period) the nest ran.
Many folks were lucky enough to witness the hatching at 4.30am in the glow of the dawn light.
102 hatchlings made it to the ocean.
A true marvel of nature.
This has been a bumper breeding season for Green and Loggerhead turtles along the QLD coast.
Perhaps attributed to a plentiful food supply.