Disappointment as assisted dying draft deferred

Sandy Bolton MP announced her disappointment earlier today.

 Independent Member for Noosa, Sandy Bolton MP, has spoken out today regarding the Premier’s announcement that voluntary assisted dying draft legislation will not be brought into Chamber until 2021.

“Across Queensland the disappointment, angst and anger are palpable and understandable in response to the Premier’s announcement that the recommendations from the Voluntary Assisted Dying Inquiry would not be debated within this term,” Ms Bolton said.

Premier Palaszczuk has announced that the recommendations will be referred to the Queensland Law Reform Commission (QLRC), with a timeframe of March 1, 2021 for draft legislation to be completed.

“The rationale the Premier has given may have validity, however does not ease the pain and heartache for our terminally ill that are suffering, nor their families and friends. If it was relevant for the recommendations to be referred on to the QLRC, this could have been done in March when they were first released,” Ms Bolton said.

The Noosa MP has reiterated that matters important to Queenslanders must always come into Chamber as a matter of priority as part of the democratic process.

“Regardless of the issue, whether that be dying with dignity, sentencing for violent repeat offenders, or any aspect of our lives that is not meeting the expectations of our communities, we have a commitment to the people of Queensland to ensure these are brought into Chamber for debate.”

“To not do so in a timely manner again demonstrates how our current politics and systems are failing us. I have said it before, and I will say it again. Our system is broken.

“To all who came to us with heartbreaking pleas, and who have been on this journey with us during this term of Parliament and beyond, I am deeply sorry. We have failed you, and even though there is a commitment for draft legislation within 9 months, for many, this is too little, too late. My heartfelt wishes go to you and your families and be assured of my ongoing commitment to ensure your voices are heard where they should be, in the People’s House.”