Getting ready for disaster season

The Get Ready Team at Noosa's Get Ready event.

Locals turned out at Pomona’s Stan Topper Park last Saturday, keen to glean information from emergency services experts at the Get Ready event.

Most were seeking advice about preparing their homes and families for the storm and bushfire season ahead. Some just enjoyed learning more about the many vehicles and equipment being exhibited.

The event was one of the final ones of 17 being held around the state as part of Get Ready Week last week, and Mayor Clare Stewart joined many other guests to be interviewed by Sheridan Stewart from ABC Sunshine Coast who broadcasted her show from the park which was also the base for the weekly Pomona markets.

“It was a great turn out and we’re grateful so many of our emergency partners took time to provide important information with our community ahead of what is forecast to be a hot and dry summer,” Mayor Clare Stewart said.

“Saturday’s event saw questions from aged care providers, students from local schools and locals asking for copies of dangerous weather plans and our Noosa Emergency Action Guide. Council’s disaster management team will continue their visits to our local schools and aged care facilities in the warmer months ahead.

“Being resilient is all about preparing earlier, planning better and supporting each other more.“

Any residents wanting hard copies of Noosa’s Emergency Action Guide can obtain them by visiting Noosa Council or digitally via Noosa Council’s Disaster Dashboard at