Precinct plan to support non-powered water sports

Noosa outriggers will co-locate with other Noosa non-powered water sports clubs.

Noosa outriggers and coastal rowing will relocate to a dedicated precinct behind Noosa Yacht and Rowing Club after Noosa Council approved recommendations of the Non-Powered Water Sports Feasibility Study.

The study reviewed 13 possible sites across the Noosa River, before recommending the co-location of the non-powered water sports clubs.

Mayor Clare Stewart said the study would guide future planning to support non-powered water sports and pave the way for better storage and new launching facilities for clubs.

“The study is a catalyst to bring all of the clubs together in a precinct user group to encourage greater collaboration and communication between the clubs,” Cr Stewart said.

“It will provide a dedicated forum where the clubs can work alongside Council to address common concerns, much the same as we do with the co-located clubs at our Cooroy and Noosa District Sports Complexes.”

Community services director Kerri Contini said the study’s recommendations would inform the Noosaville Foreshore Infrastructure Master Plan currently being developed.

The recommendations include:

– Repurposing the area housing the secondary toilet block behind the yacht club to accommodate lockable storage for smaller outrigger club craft and equipment, showers and wash-down facility.

– Removal of make-shift storage and provision of covered storage for coastal rowing craft within the existing area behind the yacht club.

– Reclaiming areas of the foreshore for public space, providing pedestrian pathways for better connectivity to existing paths, toilets, and existing infrastructure.

– Relocation of existing boat storage on the foreshore to hardstand areas.

– Provision of a floating pontoon in the canal for rowing launch.

– Redesign of the public carpark to achieve better flow, including disability parking bays and drop-off areas.

“The study highlighted the popularity of non-powered water sports in our beautiful Noosa River. However the study sites each had constraints which meant it was difficult for each organisation to achieve their full vision however the recommended precinct presents an opportunity to collectively improve outcomes for all organisations,” Ms Contini said.

“For example, at the moment there is ad-hoc storage for different sports and it’s not sufficient or well placed. With a non-powered water sports precinct, we can start to bring all of that together in one place and make significant infrastructure improvements to better support the clubs.”

The Mayor said the study was an important piece of work that would start to lay the groundwork for much better outcomes for Noosa’s non-powered water sports clubs.