Noosa’s Go Noosa free holiday buses and free weekend bus service will be scrapped in light of the state government’s 50 cent fares and the funds diverted toward managing congestion, alleviating pressure on the road network, and addressing parking challenges, according to a transport strategy report before council.
The interim report, discussed at council’s general meeting on Monday, focused on the Free Bus program and the Council Cabs and Flexi-link services, due to impending funding and operations deadlines, as well as parking changes proposed at the corner of Noosa Drive and Hastings Street.
Council’s infrastructure services director Shaun Walsh told the meeting with the deadline looming for a commitment with Translink on the free bus program and in light of the state government committing to 50 cent fares, and roll out of smart ticketing to replace Go Cards, it seemed unwise to commit to a free bus program while the state government was subsidising 50 cent fares.
In response to questions Mr Walsh said council was unable to negotiate the free bus program earlier last year when the 50 cent fares were initially introduced. He said as it occurred in the lead up to the state election it was also uncertain whether the 50 cent fares would continue.
“We were basically waiting for confirmation the 50 cent fares were going to be ongoing to commence this process of contract renegotiations,” he said. “We needed to make sure we had the buses available to meet our requirements.”
Mr Walsh said the report recommends the CEO negotiate with Translink to cease operating the free bus service, with one exception being the operation of the free bus loop that operates from park & ride services at the AFL grounds and The J which is an additional service to Translink services.
The report also advises council undertake a review of the effectiveness of Council Cabs and Flexi-link services between Boreen Point and Tewantin with competing services now provided by community, charitable groups. Also noted in the report is the operation by Translink of small bus services in other areas including Hervey Bay for small populations but their absence in Noosa.
The report also focuses on council’s trialling of changes to parking in Noosa Drive between Hastings Street and Noosa Parade over the Christmas holidays in which parking bays were repurposed into pedestrian areas and loading bays relocated.
Mr Walsh said council had received very favourable feedback from the trial held over the holiday break and wanted to extend that trial for another three months to elicit further formal feedback from all stakeholders to see whether that makes sense long term.
He told the meeting officers noted during the Christmas period trial that the changes prevented people parking or stopping in the laneways while people were reversing into carparks. Sometimes those delays of up to 5-10 minutes creates significant traffic chaos down Hastings Street and up Noosa Drive, so we think there’s merit while we’ve got an active change to parking arrangements to get feedback, he said.
Mr Walsh said council would also be conducting community engagement on these relevant changes.
When asked if the review provided an opportunity to reinstate the Transport Reference Group Mr Walsh said in the advent council supports the report staff would first like to sit down with councillors to discuss a number of different desires on the table including new bus services, one-way traffic arrangements and e-transport. We’d like to discuss with councillors where you think funding should be redirected, and for staff to prepare an action plan, he said.
“We already have on our agenda we would like to reinstate the Transport Reference Group,” he said. “We think it was a very valuable reference group and we think if we come up with a draft action plan on how we’d like to redirect resources they would be our first point of call to read test it.”
A more comprehensive report which includes a review of the full program including evaluations of bus patronage, Lions Park overflow parking, Main Beach drop-off zone, Park-and-Ride services and Wayfinding signage will be presented to council at a later meeting.
Council voted unanimously to support the recommendations of the interim report at its general meeting with a final decision to be made at its ordinary meeting on Thursday.