Tuesday 25 March sees the launch of The Music Is The Medicine: A Healing Adventure For NDIS participants and their support workers.
This six week NDIS funded course offers a musical adventure like no other.
Inspired by Deborah Oberon, an NDIS participant herself, and with her occupational therapist Sarita Sloane of Sunshine OT and Yoga, the two-hour weekly sessions are held at Tinbeerwah Hall on Tuesday afternoons.
“NDIS has transformed my life,” Deborah said.
“I felt like I was wandering in the darkness, then NDIS began and Sarita came along. I had no idea what OT was. Slowly at first but then gaining pace everything started to get better. I began to truly heal.”
Deborah names Sarita’s use of somatic processes as the key to her healing and the beginning of the resolution of decades of trauma compounding her complex PTSD symptoms.
“I was horribly shamed as a child for exploring harmonies in a Christmas carol and was unable to sing until eight years ago,” she said.
“Because of the processes Sarita offered me and the sense of safety I developed with her, my voice began to unlock.
“My involvement in a choir and a singing community consolidated all of this growth and healing. I have found new friends and a peaceful existence after a very long journey through a life that felt like a living hell.
NDIS made this possible.”
According to Sarita Sloane, the science confirms what Deborah is experiencing.
“When we sing together we come into harmonic resonance and oxytocin – the body’s ‘feel good’ hormone is released in uplifting doses,” she said.
“This inspires a powerful experience of connection which calms and regulates our nervous system.”
The Music Is The Medicine offers a safe place to play, express, listen deeply, stretch, take up space and be heard and appreciated.
“Our team are so excited to be offering this experience to NDIS participants and their support workers,” she said.
Sarita and Deborah have been joined by Ben Parsons and Nienke Berghuis, both musicians of exceptional calibre.
Register here: forms.gle/ZAm3d8zquHGwdgBy5