Cooroy will get a car wash after a majority of councillors last week voted to approve the hinterland’s first and only car wash against staff recommendations to reject it because its location between two petrol stations was zoned a District Centre and an inconsistent use for a service deemed industrial.
There was much debate by councillors over the application to develop a car wash and food and drink outlet at 34 Elm Street with concerns raised that it would impact amenity, increase traffic congestion and would not be sympathetic to the character of a district centre.
Cr Amelia Lorentson argued that despite its non compliance with the planning scheme the proposed car wash warranted approval if it could be demonstrated public interest was better served by approving the application.
“The project offers environmental, economic, community and social benefits, when weighed against the planning scheme it justifies approval,” she said at Council’s ordinary meeting last Thursday.
She said it filled a gap in the market, had strong community and economic demand, would create local jobs, was designed with sustainability in mind, using recycled water, solar power and a carbon neutral status and it received overwhelming community support with 498 out of 520 submissions of support including ones from neighbouring petrol stations and bowls club.
Mayor Frank Wilkie said while arguably there was a community benefit for a car wash, the location was an issue, there would be community impact on amenity and staff said there were concerns about traffic queuing.
Cr Wilkie suggested the matter be deferred to a future council meeting to allow the applicant’s consultant to discuss traffic issues raised with council’s traffic consultant.
“It’s unusual for council to approve a development with so many inconsistencies with planning scheme without traffic consultant nutting out the issues,” he said.
“The applicant has spent four years jumping through hoops, we have obligation today to make a decision,” Cr Jess Phillips said.
“It doesn’t matter who’s right, but what’s right. Let’s listen to the hundreds of community members who put in submissions in favour, what’s right is to support our local businesses.”
Cr Tom Wegener agreed, saying “we’ve got to get on with the job. We know how traffic flows. There’s plenty of room for cars to go through. If it does ever get crowded the small cars can go through caravan bay. I don’t think we need another report. It’s an obvious thing we can make a judgement on. If it’s queued up people can go to the next one. I don’t think there’s a traffic issue.”
Cr Nicola Wilson added her support saying as a resident of Cooroy when the consultation was happening, she was surprised with the community support. “There is a lot of support from residents and local businesses. I don’t know if they were aware of zoning issues, I don’t know if they see much difference. The district centre always comprised service stations. There is a sense in the community it’s a logical area for a car wash. It’s been vacant for six years. It will ensure the land is being used for some economic use.”
“I live in Cooroy, I have tank water … a car wash would be a benefit to me,” Cr Wegener said.
“I understand it’s an industrial use in a district centre but you have a rail easement splitting town, a major road splitting the town, there are two district centres not connected, you have two petrol stations and this is between the two. It’s not an ideal district centre. Will it compromise amenity? I don’t think so.
“They’re happy places car washes – you go in with a dirty car, come out with clean car. There’s community support for it.”