We are well and truly flying through the first few months of 2021. The Hinterland Adventure Playground is ‘all-a-go’ after Council unanimously awarded a $3.76m contract to Aspect Contractors to design this new state of the art ‘all abilities’ Playground in Cooroy with parking and toilet facilities being developed as part of a separate tender process. Concept designs for the playground include a double flying fox, climbing tower with slide, climbing structure and swings. Council received $2.78m of funding from the State Government for this project for which we are very grateful. Completion is set down for December 2021 and I for one am certainly looking forward to taking my children there.
Wonderful news for ratepayers with the Orealla Bridge replacement coming in nearly $3 million under budget which is a great win for our community. This huge saving and complex build is an absolute credit to all contractors involved and to council staff who co-ordinated the project. Council worked closely with the Federal Government and construction contractors SGQ as well as local suppliers including TOD Consulting Engineers who produced the bridge design and NEACH who supplied the pedestrian handrails for the project. The project generated over 50 local jobs and involved 34 suppliers many of which were local. The project was funded on a 50/50 basis between the Federal government through their Bridges Renewal Program and the Noosa Council and we are very grateful for the Australian Government’s contribution and support. The bridge now has a 166-tonne rating and a life span of 100 years.
The popular ‘Go Noosa’ is back for Easter. Council’s free buses including the loop service will run again from 2 April 2021-18 April 2021. These buses were incredibly well received during the Christmas period and it was fantastic to see that of those surveyed more than half were locals (58%) who were making use of the buses and more than 95% of free bus passengers were either very satisfied or satisfied with their bus trip. Around 5000 motorists made use of the paid parking area at Noosa Heads Lions Park managed by the Lions Club and we received around $93,000.00 which will be split between Council and the Lions Club, a wonderful charitable organisation in our area. Over Easter, free bus services during the Go Noosa period will include the 626, 627, 628, 629 and 632 plus the temporary 064 Peregian Beach to Noosa Heads service. As well as this the Noosa Ferry will also return for Easter and put simply, this is a wonderful way to travel and get out and about in our magnificent Shire.
Council’s ‘Grants, Nibbles and Network’ night is returning. Council runs these events to help connect community organisations with information about grant funding opportunities that are available. Added to this they are also a great way for members of community organisations to get to know one another and network. The next event is being held on 4 March 2021 from 5:00pm-7:30pm with speakers being from Noosa Council, The Gambling Community Benefit Fund, Bendigo Bank, Unity Water, Tourism Noosa and The Cooroy Rag. Each speaker will talk about grants that their organisations offer and others that are available. Attendance can be either in person at Council or you can dial in, but registration is required either way. Please go to: www.eventbrite.com.au/e/grants-networking-nibbles-night-tickets-140016036735
Finally, our ‘Connecting Noosa’ programs continue to flourish. These activities are aimed at boosting residents’ health, and well-being and are creative activities and classes for our over 65’s. The African drumming during February proved an absolute hit. ‘Connecting Noosa’ is a Noosa Council initiative to support residents to connect with friends and make new ones by participating in free community activities. To find out more and download a program please see Council’s website www.noosa.qld.gov.au/connecting-noosa
There’s a heap to do and a lot going on so please get out and about, make use of the activities and programs Council are providing and enjoy our beautiful Shire.
Until next month, stay safe, Clare.