Proposals perfected in planning

Shawn Kelly with his seaplane. Photo: Dean Saffron

By Margaret Maccoll

Dusko Borota wanted his marriage proposal to Lucy last Friday to be an occasion to remember so he called in the experts.

As one of the first events permitted since the easing of Covid-19 restrictions it became a special occasion for everyone involved.

It was the first flight post-COVID-19 restrictions for pilot Shawn Kelly of Paradise Seaplanes, which had been grounded since March.

A pilot for 25 years Shawn realised a long-held dream when he established Paradise Seaplanes based at Maroochydore five years ago and he was thrilled to be allowed back in the air.

“It is so good to be flying again,” he said.

Shawn has been emotionally and financially impacted by months of shutdown but has been buoyed by the well wishes of locals happy to see his return.

The seaplane can carry three passengers but under current guidelines all have to be from the same household or friends and Dusko and Lucy fitted the bill.

Shawn lifted off from Maroochy River in his Wilga 80 Seaplane, known affectionately as Willy, and headed for Chambers Island where the couple were greeted with a romantic picnic scene prepared by Noosa Picnics.

“We had a beautiful proposal with a musician and take home flowers when the plane landed,” Katrina Scott of Noosa Picnics said.

“He went all out. She loved it.”

After a month in the planning the event went off without a hitch. The couple alighted from the plane and were seated on white cushions under a white teepee as they enjoyed champagne and a cheese platter.

Music was performed by Angie Newcomb. Videographer Lucia Santiago from Four Elements Films and photographer Rebecca Colefax were there to capture the occasion.

Rebecca said creating beautiful proposals was a regular event for her and Katrina and something they put a lot of time and effort into perfecting.

“We spend hours preparing for the shoot,” Rebecca said.

She said they prepared a list of guidelines for the person proposing that included tips from what to wear to how to stand to capture the best photos.

“There’s a lot of lead up to it,” she said.

Rebecca said Katrina made sure the cushions and fabrics were fresh and crisp and she always picked up fresh flowers on the day.

“She runs around the universe to get it all together,” she said.