Totally renewable Magnetic Island

ZEN’s Jenny Clement, met up with TRM’s coordinator Joe Niven and business energy advisor Stephen Rodan to talk about Totally Renewable Magnetic. (Supplied)

Throughout Australia there are numerous community organisations just like Zero Emissions Noosa (ZEN), working locally to drive energy efficiency through renewable energy.

One such organisation is Totally Renewable Magnetic (TRM) – an organisation set up in 2020 on the pristine Magnetic Island just 20 minutes off the coast from Townsville. The aim of Totally Renewable Magnetic is to make Magnetic Island’s energy 100 per cent renewable by 2030.

ZEN’s Jenny Clement, met up with TRM’s coordinator Joe Niven and business energy advisor Stephen Rodan on the shores of Horseshoe Bay for a coffee and to exchange stories.

Not surprisingly, Noosa and Magnetic Island have a lot in common as popular Queensland tourist destinations. Both experience major fluctuations in population during tourist seasons with tourism and services being the dominant industry sectors.

The island’s population of 2500 balloons to 6000 during peak tourist periods – adding extra strain on the energy grid. The impacts of climate change on the natural environment are also significant in both communities. Cyclone Kirrily earlier this year meant the islanders had three or four days without power ,so community resilience is a big part of the story they tell.

A prior report (2020) estimates that 76 per cent of the carbon emissions from the Island come from electricity use. A key focus of TRM has been to encourage residents to install solar. This involved consultation with residents to dispel myths and help people maximize solar opportunities. To date, around one third of the 2,500 residents have solar, and the rate of solar adoption is growing rapidly at 20 per cent annually.

The 200 businesses on the island account for around 50 per cent of the electricity demand.

Thus, TRM decided that another important entry point for change is to convince businesses of the financial benefits of being more energy efficient and using renewable energy.

“The impact of getting one business to convert to solar power is similar to getting eight households on board” says Joe. To this end they have hired Stephen Rodan as the Business Energy Advisor.

Stephen, a former NASA JPL engineer and an eight-year resident of the island, operates a fully solar-powered, off-grid coral farm in Nelly Bay. Through his work with TRM, Stephen offers free assessments of business energy systems. He helps businesses become more energy efficient by consulting on power usage needs, offering advice to reduce energy bills, sharing energy efficiency tips, and guiding them toward renewable electricity options. Additionally, Stephen can assist businesses in navigating the complexities of grants, subsidies, and rebates to support their energy transitions.

TRM are interested in ZEN’s work on Solar for Strata as there are two main strata complexes on the island. In conversations with TRM both complexes recognise the economics of moving to solar power and are keen to make the change.

Like ZEN, TRM works alongside their local council to promote community awareness and to explore a range of energy options. For instance, TRM are working with the Townsville water department to push for solar for pumping on the island’s water and sewerage infrastructure.

Another ongoing TRM initiative is a cost benefit analysis for converting the island’s garbage truck to an electric version.

“The truck is always driving stop/start so it would be ideal to run as a regenerative electric vehicle.” says Joe “And it’s typically only driven in the morning so there is plenty of time for recharging.”

Knowing there are other local communities with the same zero emissions goal as ZEN is inspiring for us here in Noosa. If you would like to learn more or get involved locally check out or email