Guinea pigs are cute, fluffy and delightful pets that are very popular among children and adults alike.
But what happens when these pets are no longer wanted, or are subject to cruel and inhumane conditions?
Battered, bruised and in terrible shape is what often lands on the doorstep of Oscar’s Rescue Guinea Pig Sanctuary in Glenwood. From missing eyes to debilitating skin conditions, sanctuary owner Oscar Ridge has seen it all.
“Many guinea pigs come to us in disgusting condition,” he said.
“This can be absolutely gut wrenching and heartbreaking.
“While people sleep, we are still up cleaning cages, medicating, feeding and looking after the ones they have forgotten and neglected.”
The Sanctuary is bursting at the seams with guinea pigs available for adoption.
“Our rescue has just under 80 in care currently,” Mr Ridge said.
“We have over 300 on the waiting list to come into care, and throughout rescues in Australia, there are well over 2000 guinea pigs.”
And while Mr Ridge does his absolute best in providing top-tier care and getting the word out there about how deplorable the conditions for these piggies can be, a lot of them are overlooked for other pets such as cats and dogs.
Guinea pigs aren’t just for kids though, they’re great for adults too.
“Guinea pigs are often thought of as a child’s first pet, however, this simply isn’t true,” Mr Ridge said.
“Older people think they can’t have guinea pigs as an adult, but they make great pets for all ages as long as they receive the appropriate care.”
It’s a lot of responsibility caring for little lives. Guinea pigs need a snake proof enclosure and ideally to be indoors, kept safe from weather conditions and have a furry friend to keep them company.
“They must always be in groups of two or more, or they can get lonely and depressed,” Mr Ridge said.
Research is vitally important before adopting any pet. The internet is a great resource tool to prepare for the latest addition to the family for both new and old owners.
To support Oscar’s Rescue Guinea Pig Sanctuary and all that they do, visit their Facebook page to donate or adopt.