Broadening their horizons

St Andrew’s Anglican College primary barbecue was a roaring success, raising $2883.

In a quest to broaden their horizons and make a positive impact, St Andrew’s Anglican College GO Cambodia service trip students are set to embark on a transformative journey to Cambodia during the September term break.

Motivated by a desire to explore the beauty of the country and contribute to local communities, these students are ready to embrace a life-changing experience.

This journey is not just about self-discovery, it’s also about creating positive change.

Through fundraising efforts, these students have already made an incredible impact, raising an impressive $14,518. Every dollar raised brings them closer to their goal of providing safe homes and sustainable solutions for displaced families in Cambodia.

The primary barbecue was a roaring success, raising $2883, which adds to the combined efforts of the outdoor movie night barbecue, the fair showbag and chip van, to the heartfelt individual donations made to members of the team.

For Year 11 student Mila, this trip is not just about personal exploration and adventure, it is also driven by a deep sense of purpose.

“After this trip, I hope that my worldly knowledge has expanded, and I know that we have made a difference over there for those who are not as fortunate as us,“ she said.

“While at St Andrews, I wanted to make the most of the incredible opportunities we are offered. I found out about this trip, and I thought it would be amazing to have an opportunity to help out and experience other parts of the world.“

Partnering with RAW Impact, students will immerse themselves in the Cambodian way of life and work with the local community to build new amenities.

“Working with the local community, I think it will be really cool to understand and experience how they live their daily lives as well as learning more about the culture,“ Mila said.

Additionally, students will spend time visiting historical sites and exploring the cultural sites of Cambodia.