Regal celebration for Probus

Val Chapman wearing the winning crown decorated by her team.

What better way to celebrate a 21st anniversary than a royal garden party in the park by our spectacular Noosa River?

It was a magic Noosa Day with a clear blue sky and just a gentle zephyr. There was an abundance of delicious finger food befitting a royal occasion and lots of fun and games.

Val Chapman’s team won the crown decorating competition which was judged by a gentleman walking his cat. Yes. cat!!

Lots of members went home happy having won interesting prizes during an innovative game of coits which involved throwing colourful hoops over the desired prizes many of which sparkled inticeingly.

The Tewantin Noosa Probus Club now looks forward to another year of fun and friendship. The club meets at the RSL on the fourth Tuesday of each month and enjoys a wide variety of activities including outings to places of interest, coffee mornings, lunches, mah-jong and rummikub. If you would like to know more, phone Christine on 5442 7397.