Gympie MP Tony Perrett says he is investigating claims that the Gympie by-pass open day may have cost $300,000 or more, all of it claimed to be going to an out-of-town event organiser, with no chance for substantial Gympie business involvement.
It may have cost “up to $500,000,” under an arrangement which he said had potential to hide the spending of public money.
He blasted “a lack of transparency, cynicism and media spin” and said the road’s opening for drivers was timed for October, to coincide with the state election.
“The (organising contractor) will then invoice Transport and Main Roads for the event.
“That money could have been spent on the Bruce Highway on the north side of Gympie, which is a mess, Tin Can Bay Rd, Rainbow Beach Road, Gympie-Woolooga Road and the Mary Valley Highway.
“While the Government was planning this event, I was writing to them about the poor state of Tin Can Bay Road and others which are falling apart.
“The Government has snubbed many Gympie business and local community groups which wanted to hold a cycling event.
“I have been advised that many Gympie businesses were excluded from being involved.
“The event managers used businesses from outside Gympie.”
He said Gympie Lions had wanted to hold a cycling event, allowed in other places with new highways.
He said he had asked in a Question on Notice for Transport Minister Bart Mellish to reveal the total cost and details about who organised the event.