Face off against PTSD

Join Face off for PTSD Dogs.

PTSD Dogs Australia launched a groundbreaking fundraising event this year, PTSD Face-off and avid fundraisers have been raising funds to shave their beards on World Mental Health Day, 10 October.

This unique initiative aims to raise funds for PTSD Dogs Australia while raising awareness for those suffering with PTSD. PTSD Face-off is a distinctive endeavour that challenges individuals to make a bold sacrifice by shaving their beloved beards. So far there are eight people who are raising funds and will shave off their beards on 10 October. Read all about them and their motivations at www.ptsddogs.org.au/face-off/

The fundraising efforts will culminate in the PTSD Face Off Masquerade Evening at Your Mates Bowls Pub in Cooroy on the evening of World Mental Health Day. Tickets are $100 and will include a light-hearted evening of fun and frivolity, cocktails, canapes and some surprise entertainment. At 7pm a shave-off will be done as the fundraisers have their masks (beards) removed and guests will all unmask at the same time to demonstrate solidary and support for those living with PTSD.

PTSD Face-off is the brainchild of Roger Weeks who is going to face off against his PTSD by shaving off his beard, the mask which most people have never seen him without.

“I can give first hand testimony to the difference a PTSD Dogs can make. My PTSD was at the point that I had developed an exit strategy to life. But thanks to PTSD Dogs Australia and my girl Rosie, my life has purpose again. PTSD Face-off is my chance to help raise awareness and to raise funds to pay it forward and help another veteran or first responder get a dog,” Roger said.

Grab a ticket to the PTSD Face Off Masquerade Cocktail Evening at events.humanitix.com/ptsd-face-off