How Janet learned to love Leonard

Jonathan Anstock with Janet and Warren Brewer

Jim Fagan

Classical multi-instrumentalist Janet Brewer admits she didn’t know Leonard Cohen’s music from “a bar of soap” when she started touring and playing in the Cohen band with singer Jonathan Anstock aka Leonard.

Now, nearly three years later, she says “it’s fantastic. I had no idea what his music was, although I had heard of ‘Hallelujah.’ What I love playing is being able to improvise and work off what others are doing.

“I have spent those years listening to and watching recordings of his band and the individual players to find out how Leonard Cohen wanted the music to be played and how it is meant to feel. This is what we rehearse and try to project while on stage.”

Other players in the band are Adrian Alexander (guitar), Janet’s husband Warren Brewer (bass guitar), Duncan Macqueen (drums), Renee James and Kerrie Harth (support vocalists) and along with Jonathan and Janet will next month bring their “The Spirit of Leonard Cohen” biographical cabaret to the Civic Centre in Coolum.

The multi-talented Janet, who lives in Yandina, mainly plays piano and harpsichord but has at different times in her career played the trombone, clarinet, saxophone, flute and percussion in symphony orchestras and shows.

Janet was just three years old when she saw her first piano.

“It was my grandparents and I used to plonk away. It wasn’t music but I enjoyed the sound. I begged my parents to learn.

“My teacher thought I was too young. It’s different now when kids start at four.”

She decided on teaching as a career, starting as and instrumental teacher, acquiring the skills to play a variety of instruments to allow her to work with the students. She now teaches from her home-based studio.

Janet holds two Masters degrees in piano and harpsichord from the Queensland Conservatorium at Griffith University.

“I was 40 when I decided to do my Masters at the Con. It’s unheard of to do it at that age but I needed to keep my skills up, get better.”

She is a founding member of the Pacific Chamber Players and Arioso Chamber Ensemble and accompanist for Noosa Chorale.

“I also play as a guest artist with Camerata and the Gold Coast Chamber Orchestra when invited.”

When he is not channelling Cohen, Jonathan, of Doonan, sings with the Chorale and, when he was looking for a music director, he said the decision to ask Janet was an easy one.

Details of the Coolum concert by the group which has just completed a highly successful winter tour to Proserpine, Townsville, Cairns and Ingham are:

Spirit of Leonard Cohen, Coolum Civic Centre, Saturday 9 December at 7pm. Tickets are from $35. Bookings: