Rotarians have embarked on a 4500km ride and drive in the Get Your Bum Into Gear Queensland tour in aid of bowel cancer awareness.
The Queensland Police Union and Queensland Rotary joined forces in the fight against the disease, with Kits for Cops being distributed at police stations along the way.
Cyclist Mal Pagett rode through Noosa on Friday and was met by the support of local Rotary Club members, Noosa Councillor Karen Finzel, and Noosa Police Officer in Charge Ben Carroll.
Mal said the cause was close to his heart as his brother died from bowel cancer at age 47.
“He had three kids, and just this year his two daughters are having babies,“ he said.
“So he has missed out on all that and I watched him work really hard to try beat cancer to see these moments.
“John, my colleague here, he had bowel cancer 15 years ago. So he’s trying to prevent people from going through what he did and I’m trying to prevent people from going through what my family experienced and still do.“
Noosa Police Officer in Charge Ben Carroll said he personally knew colleagues who had suffered from bowel cancer.
“Some are currently undergoing treatment for that as well, so from my perspective as an Officer in Charge of a large group of people, it’s important that I keep them well and this is one good way of going about that,“ he said.
“Our Queensland Police Union, in which I am a member, are proud sponsors of Kits for Cops and in particular I suppose the demographic for police well and truly fits into this with a lot of our officers over the age of 30.“
Rotary Noosa Heads Bob Birkhead encouraged people aged 50-74 to take advantage of the free government test kit.
“Let’s face it, it does impact everyone and the sooner that people start to take their health seriously the better,“ Bob said.
Rotary Bowlescan Queensland are giving away 750 free test kits along the journey and encouraging those under 50 or over 75 to buy one of the discounted kits during the BowelscanQLD campaign.
For more information visit www.bowelscanqueensland.org.au