Historic town gains smoother and safer access

Zgrajewski Road was a gravel road before the upgrade.

One of the Sunshine Coast’s oldest but rapidly growing towns has benefited from a major road upgrade along an important rural link.

Two kilometres of Zgrajewski Road at Yandina Creek have been improved from gravel to sealed bitumen thanks to a $4 million makeover.

Sunshine Coast Council Division 9 Councillor Maria Suarez said the upgrade is a huge improvement and she was impressed by the aerial images of the before and after works.

“This is an important link for residents and since completion it’s proving to be a safer road,” Cr Suarez said.

“Thank you to the locals who endured the road closure for a much longer period than expected due to the flooding events in 2022.

“The extensive upgrade has provided residents with a more resilient road after rain events, reduced maintenance requirements and reduced dust to local properties.

“By accommodating the increasing numbers of people calling the Sunshine Coast home, we are benefiting and providing for all our community to safely move around and enjoy our Sunshine Coast lifestyle.”

This important road upgrade was achieved earlier than scheduled thanks to council securing almost $3 million funding from the Australian Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) Program.

The LRCI Program supports local councils to deliver priority local road and community infrastructure projects across the nation, supporting jobs and delivering benefits to local communities.

Federal Member for Fairfax, Ted O’Brien said he was thrilled to have helped seal the deal for local residents on this important local road upgrade.

“I’m proud to have delivered almost $3 million in federal funding through the former Coalition Government’s LRCI program to seal Zgrajewski Road,” Mr O’Brien said.

“Improving the quality and safety of our local roads has a real impact on the lives of residents and so I’m delighted to see this project is now delivered.

“This road upgrade formed part of a broader $22 million commitment to the Sunshine Coast in 2022 which supported the Sunshine Coast Council to bring forward a range of critical road upgrades.”

Better roads are also on the way for North Arm with 2.6 kilometres of North Arm Yandina Creek Road being widened and sealed in three sections.

The eight-metre-wide upgrade will provide a consistent and greatly improved connection between the rural communities of North Arm, Ninderry, Valdora, Yandina Creek, Verrierdale, and Peregian Springs.

The project is in partnership with the Queensland Government’s Transport Infrastructure Development Scheme providing more than $50,000 towards the design of the upgrade.

Stage 2 construction started in April and is expected to be completed in October 2023, weather and construction scheduling permitted.