Good Shepherd rewarded for excellent argument

Good Shepherd Debating Team: from l-r Matt Armstrong, Debating Coach, Veslemoy Berge-Venter, Carson Revell, Katelyn Dyer, Caitlin Moore.

The Sunshine Coast Schools Debating competition took on a different form this year due to the Covid-19 restrictions.

While at one stage it looked like the whole competition would become a casualty of 2020 Covid-19, organisers were successful in coordinating with a range of schools across the Coast to run an online version of the competition via Zoom.

This online format came with a few technical challenges, however many schools, including Good Shepherd Lutheran College, were still able to enter a team of Year 11 students to take part in this special version of the Debating competition.

The schools involved took the opportunity to challenge their speakers to include points of information in their speeches.

Debating coach and Head of Senior Years Studies Matt Armstrong said, “These are live interjections while the speaker is talking which requires quick thinking and rapid responses to arguments, and these interjections can make for a really thrilling debate.“

“At Good Shepherd we encourage the students to express their thoughts, argue their case with structure and clarity so it was wonderful to see those practices implemented in this competition.”

The Good Shepherd team adapted quickly to the online format of the competition and won two out of four debates. They went on to compete in both the semi-finals and the finals, held in a live format at Sunshine Coast Grammar School, and adjudicated by a representative from the Queensland Debating Union.

In the much anticipated Grand Final, the Good Shepherd team came up against Sunshine Coast Grammar School on the affirmative side of the topic, “That health is more important than freedom”.

Mr Armstrong said, “All of the experiences of the year meant that the team formulated convincing and compelling arguments, and they won the competition overall and took home the USC Chancellor’s trophy for 2020.“

“It was a great way to end what was at times quite a turbulent journey.”

As wonderful experience it was, undoubtedly students are looking forward to the competition returning in its live format in 2021 to enable more teams and students to take part.