State called to step up on housing

Noosa Mayor Clare Stewart

The upcoming Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) has provided Noosa Council, along with all other councils across Queensland, an opportunity to lobby the State Government in areas they see relevant by motions put forward during the conference.

One motion, which all Noosa Councillors endorsed last week and one which I am pursuing, is calling on the State Government for a Housing Needs Assessment to be undertaken by the State for the whole of Queensland.

Noosa Council has done one, they can too.

The current housing crisis is an issue affecting not just the Noosa Shire but the whole of Queensland. Indeed, the whole of Australia.

At Noosa Council’s Ordinary Meeting last Thursday, I moved a motion for the LGAQ to advocate the State Government for a holistic review of all State Property assets for their potential for short to medium-term housing outcomes, including crisis housing, social housing and affordable housing and to work with councils to identify new opportunities for State Government of Queensland housing investment across local government in Queensland.

In my opinion, the State must review their property assets, just as we have.

To assist with providing housing solutions and outcomes for the whole of the State, this is a necessary first step.

This motion will provide LGAQ with a platform to lobby the State Government to work with councils to identify new opportunities and deliver housing across Queensland.

We can’t do it alone, no council can. We need the impetus and gravitas of the State Government to assist.

This motion is nothing new. In fact, Noosa Council endorsed these very words in December 2021 at the time it endorsed Noosa’s Housing Needs Assessment.

The Mayoral Minute December 2020 put focus on housing and at the time, requested the then CEO to review existing land assets to see if any were appropriate for the development of social housing and look at potential planning scheme amendments which would help accelerate the provision of suitable community housing.

It also requested Noosa Council continue to negotiate with State and local community housing providers in the development of an economically efficient model to achieve a mix of social, public and private affordable accommodation within community housing developments.

Since then, Noosa Council has taken significant steps toward addressing this ongoing challenge.

The Housing Needs Assessment December 2021 was endorsed by the full council and from this assessment, Noosa Council endorsed its Draft Housing Strategy and established a Housing Reference group.

The first specific housing strategy for the Noosa Shire, the Draft Housing Strategy puts Noosa at the forefront of every other council, if not the State Government in this space.

It is currently out for community consultation and the inaugural Housing Reference group, which brings together key stakeholders such as planners, community housing providers, community groups and registered charities who work in this space such as the Salvation Army, permanent letting real estate agencies, Tourism Noosa, You Turn, Endeavour Housing, Queensland Housing Department and State MPs have met twice.

Like our Housing Needs Assessment, this is a huge body of work. It is the most substantial ever done in this space and we are heartened to hear that State bureaucrats in this space say Noosa Council is leading the way.

With the support of LGAQ and other councils, this motion ensures that we can continue to lobby the State Government for their input and their help and drive real tangible outcomes for communities across all of Queensland.