Volunteers champion Plastic Free July

The dedicated volunteers from the Noosa Visitor Information Centre.

As part of Plastic Free July, the dedicated volunteers from the Noosa Visitor Information Centre participated in an educational and inspiring famil last week.

The event focused on promoting sustainable practices and recognising local businesses that champion plastic-free initiatives.

During the famil, the volunteers visited several of Noosaville’s esteemed Plastic Free Noosa Champions:

Pottery for the Planet:

This innovative business is renowned for its handmade ceramic products, offering a sustainable alternative to single-use plastics. Their beautifully crafted items inspire environmentally conscious living.

Noosa Chocolate Factory:

This beloved local business not only produces delicious chocolates but also prioritises environmentally friendly practices, making significant strides in reducing plastic waste.

Belmondos Organic Market:

A hub for organic and sustainable products, Belmondos Organic Market is committed to minimising plastic use and promoting a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle.

The famil provided the volunteers with valuable insights into the efforts businesses put into creating a plastic-free future for Noosa.

Following the site inspections, the volunteers actively participated in a Plastic Free Noosa Clean Up in Noosaville resulting in a total of 15.3kg of waste collected and close to 500 individual pieces of litter removed from the environment.

Alori Gapes, Visitor Services and membership specialist for Tourism Noosa said, “The famil was a great opportunity for the volunteers to see and hear firsthand the great things our members are doing in the sustainability space.”

“Our volunteers are proud to contribute to the community’s sustainability efforts to support and maintain Noosa’s pristine environment.”

This initiative highlights the Noosa Visitor Information Centre’s ongoing dedication to sustainability and protecting the environment and promoting a greener future for Noosa.