Environmental upgrades reduce costs

Cr Brian Stockwell discussing EAUs with ZEN Inc. chair, Anne Kennedy.

By Zero Emissions Noosa, Inc

Zero Emissions Noosa congratulates Noosa Council for taking up the challenge to help businesses and households to reduce their energy costs.

“This motion Noosa Council is putting to the LGA Conference in October is calling on the State Government to change legislation to enable Local Governments to offer Environmental Upgrade Agreements (EUAs) throughout Queensland,” Zero Emissions Noosa chair Anne Kennedy said.

“The financial benefits for Noosa businesses and households from EUAs would make it possible for them to access no deposit, low interest and long repayment term loans to implement cost-saving energy efficiency technology including rooftop solar, heat pumps and HVAC systems.”

The loan stays with the property and repayments are made through the local council as an addition to council rate payments, so there is great security for the lender, which enables lower interest rates. They are already available in Victoria, New South Wales and South Australia.

“We know Noosa businesses and householders are faced with rising costs, so anything that can help their bottom line must be pursued. EUAs provide proven support to reduce both emissions and operating costs, essential in a post-Covid economy,” Ms Kennedy said.

“Case studies on our Zero Emissions Noosa website prove they can dramatically reduce costs.”

“Queensland businesses deserve the same opportunities as their interstate colleagues, and this is one simple, no cost initiative that could help them in these difficult economic times.

“It requires an amendment to the Local Government Act and the City of Brisbane Act by the Queensland Government. “There is no cost burden to the State Government or local councils, who must choose to opt in to the scheme. We strongly believe this must happen as a matter of urgency.”

Ms Kennedy said ZEN Inc. started discussions about EUAs with Noosa Mayor Clare Stewart and economic development director Kim Rawlings in 2020 and has been lobbying the State Government and other councils in Queensland to push for this legislation to be changed.

Independent Noosa MP Sandy Bolton is also supportive.

“We hope that support from local councils including Noosa and the Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) would speed up the reform process”.

Ms Kennedy said ZEN Inc. welcomed the Noosa Council initiative to advocate for the benefits of EUAs at the LGAQ conference.

“This straightforward, no cost initiative by the State Government will enable Noosa Council to opt into the scheme to really help businesses and households to reduce their operating costs.

“We call on Noosa’s business associations get behind this initiative as well, and more details are available on our website at zeroemissionsnoosa.com.au