Tourism Noosa ended its Climate Week activities with a Trees for Tourism tree planting day at John’s Landing last Friday.
With help from Noosa and District Landcare and the community 500 trees were planting bringing to 2378 the number of trees planted since the program started in 2019.
Tourism Noosa’s environment and sustainability manager Juanita Bloomfield said the program operates from the collection of $1 per participant in local events with large events including Ironman’s Noosa Triathlon and marathon and Noosa Eat and Drink festival being major contributors.
Juanita said the program had raised about $26,500 and planted more than 2300 trees with COVID19 restrictions limiting contributions in 2020.
She said Noosa and District Landcare provided advice on the locations for tree planting with many trees planted previously on the Noosa Trail to provide feed for koalas, prevent erosion and provide shade for trail users.
Ironman’s Rob Stalling who helped with the tree planting last week praised the program, saying it aligned with Ironman’s sustainability goals.
Since Noosa Council purchased John’s Landing the former camping ground has been cleared of items including old car bodies and buildings and allowed to revegetate.
Councillor Tom Wegener said Council had not determined a purpose for the John’s Landing. “It’s a blank canvas as far as Council is concerned,“ he said.