People unable to attend a polling place on election day can cast their vote at an early voting centre from Monday 29 April.
Noosa Shire community members can cast their vote at an early voting centre located at Sunrise Beach Uniting Church, 6 Grasstree Ct. at the following times:
– Monday 6 May – Thursday 9 May (8:30am– 5:30pm)
– Friday 10 May (8:30am – 6:00pm)
– Saturday 11 May (9:00am –4:00pm)
– Monday 13 May – Tuesday 14 May (8:30am –5:30pm)
– Wednesday 15 May (8:30am – 6:00pm)
– Thursday 16 May (8:30am– 5:30pm)
– Friday 17 May (8:30am –6:00pm)
Postal vote applications can still be submitted by those who need one at
It is important for voters to apply early for a postal vote so that there is enough time to receive ballot papers in the mail, and then complete and return them to the AEC.
The Australian Electoral Commission said with a record enrolment rate of 96.8% it is important that all Australians enrolled now think about how and when they will cast their vote.
“We have the most complete electoral roll since federation and we’re providing a broad range of voting services but it is up to enrolled Australians to turnout to make sure they have their say,” Mr Rogers said.
“We moved swiftly on Wednesday evening to design, verify and then print ballot papers in time for voters to access early voting centres from Monday.
“We’re in the process of printing a total of around 52 million ballot papers and this also kick-starts the distribution of postal votes for people who have applied.”