Students enjoy a cultural kaleidoscope of fun

Teacher Bec Kennett with Marlo.

Sunshine Beach State School’s annual Under Eights Day celebration was an event full of fun, laughter, and play, transforming the school playground into a sensory delight for all who attended.

Proudly opening its doors to both its young students and the wider community, the school showcased a colourful tapestry of traditions, music, and arts from around the world.

Under Eights Week, a Queensland-based annual event, celebrates the first eight years of children’s lives and encourages learning through play.

Teacher Bec Kennett said, “This event is not just about celebrating diversity, but about fostering understanding and empathy among our Sunshine Beach school community.

“By exposing children to different cultures early on, we are laying the foundation for a more inclusive and harmonious society.”

Bec’s words resonated throughout the day as children and parents alike engaged in the rich array of activities, building connections and sharing smiles.

Principal Alison Welch said, “Under Eights Day is a cornerstone event for our school.

“It represents our dedication to fostering a love for learning through play and cultural awareness.

“Seeing our students and community members come together to celebrate and learn from each other is truly inspiring.”

Organised by the Early Childhood Australia (ECA) Queensland Committee, this event has been a cherished tradition in Queensland for more than 60 years.

The ECA Queensland Committee embraced this year’s theme, promoting the universal right of every child to play and celebrating diverse play traditions and experiences from different cultures.

Sunshine Beach State School’s event embodied this ethos with a variety of interactive workshops and activities that engaged children in learning about various cultural symbols and practices.

Youngsters immersed themselves in craft-making sessions, exploring cultural symbols through cheek painting, playdough sculpting, and obstacle courses.

They created intricate nature mandalas, decorated rocks with vibrant paints, and crafted beautiful sand art.

The children also enjoyed making brown bag kites, drawing cultural tattoos, weaving paper plates, and crafting cultural patterns.

Community partnerships enhanced the event with a range of sporting activities, including NRL, Little Athletics, AFL, and netball, ensuring there was something for every child to enjoy.