Noosa Council leads on housing strategy

Noosa Mayor Clare Stewart

Noosa Mayor Clare Stewart

In July 2021, I stated: “We are facing a housing emergency that is having an impact on the economy, on our businesses and affecting the liveability of our communities”.

That hasn’t changed, in fact, it’s probably worsened.

The current housing crisis gripping our shire is having a significant social and economic impact on the community and requires action by all levels of government as well as the broader community.

There is no silver bullet and while it is going to take investment from all levels of government, Noosa can determine its own destiny by developing actions to guide how we provide affordable housing for the future needs of the shire.

Last week, Noosa Council took significant steps towards addressing this ongoing challenge, releasing the first specific housing strategy for the Noosa Shire and establishing a Housing Reference group.

Both come with much anticipation, an unprecedented need and a willingness of all to support.

This draft Housing Strategy puts Noosa at the forefront of every other Council, if not the State Government in this space.

It is proactive, it is visionary, it is forward-thinking and a leader in its field.

While at a very foundational level, housing is the responsibility of the State, we all have a role to play and Noosa Council’s draft Housing Strategy firmly sets out our role.

It is a statement to the community of how committed this Council is to being part of the housing solution.

I firmly believe that all of Noosa Council stand firmly aligned on wanting to do something, needing to do something in this incredibly important space of housing affordability.

The Mayoral Minute, unanimously endorsed in December 2020, was the beginning of this long process.

It was and has been the most aggressive step that any council has taken in this space and provided the foundation for our Housing Needs Assessment, a technical report on the context of housing and households in Noosa Shire.

The Housing Needs Assessment, along with other council strategies and plans, have informed this draft Housing Strategy. This is strategic leadership at its core.

This Housing Strategy sets a clear vision and establishes outcomes and an action plan for Noosa Shire Council about accommodating residents now and into the future.

It seeks to set a clear plan for housing in Noosa Shire through to 2041. Its purpose is to set a clear vision and establish key outcomes and an action plan for Noosa Shire Council, about accommodating residents now and into the future.

Our vision includes facilitating different housing types and styles to ensure people’s housing needs are catered for regardless of age, mobility, household structure or budget; prioritising affordable living for key workers; facilitating housing outcomes specific to each local area considering their specific needs; ongoing engagement with State and Federal governments in advancing social and affordable housing investment; encouraging greater public and private investment in more social and affordable housing in the shire; partnering with developers and or registered Community Housing Providers and the list goes on.

The Housing Reference group will work with council on the implementation of the strategy and provide further assistance in addressing the challenges and opportunities ahead.

This is the first Housing Reference group that has ever been established at this Council.

This group is an exclusive chance to bring all stakeholders, industry players, strategic planners, Noosa Council chief executive officer and Director of Strategic Planning together with representation from and including our State MP, Department of Communities, Q Shelter, Community Housing Association, Registered Community Housing Providers, Residential Care providers, Business and Tourism sector, Permanent Rental Property Managers and local housing developers and planning consultants.

It will be a broad group that will provide an important forum for ideas and discussion based on experience and assist Noosa Council in the implementation of the Housing Strategy and associated actions, through sharing of information and learnings from ‘on the ground’ experience.

The Housing Reference group is another string to our bow in our plight to address the challenges but also opportunities ahead.

The potential outcomes of this strategy and housing group are a game-changer – for our most at risk, our vulnerable, our workers, our businesses, our economy and our community at large.

We haven’t finished though. In fact, we’ve just begun.

This Housing Strategy is a draft. It is now up to you, our community, to have your input, your say and I would encourage you to do so – all industry sectors, all residents and all stakeholders.

Now is your chance to be a part of something we can all achieve together.

Have your say on the draft Housing Strategy on Noosa Council’s website or during the formal community engagement program that will commence on 10 July for a four-week period.