Muscles needed for Noosa Show set up

The Noosa AH&I Society is in the process of setting up for this year’s Noosa Country Show.

The Noosa AH&I Society is in the process of setting up for this year’s Noosa Country Show at its Pomona Showgrounds and is putting out a call for some strong people to help them with the task.

A working bee is being held on Sunday 4 September to get as much equipment in place as possible.

“The adage many hands make light work has never been truer than at show set up time,“ society president Rob Graham said.

“We will be taking seating and gazebos out of storage and setting them up around the grounds, situating rubbish bins, cleaning the seating, setting up display cabinets in the pavilion and display partitions in the squash courts – so much to do.“

Not everything requires heavy lifting though.

Other tasks like sweeping, mopping, dusting also need to be done, and Rob said it would be also be greatly appreciated if some people were willing to make sandwiches for the volunteers throughout the day.

“We want our showgrounds to look their very best for the show as we prepare to welcome people from throughout the shire and beyond on Friday 9 (Noosa Show Day Public Holiday), and Saturday 10 September,“ Rob said.

“So if people can spare us a few hours of their time from 8am on Sunday 4 September, we would be very grateful.“

The Society’s gratitude will be measured by offering those who volunteer for at least two to three hours, one free ticket to the show, for either the Friday or Saturday.

Enquiries can be made to Carole at the Society’s office on 5485 2331 or by email to

For insurance purposes, a volunteer application will need to be completed, and these will also be available on the day at the sign in station.