Schoolies Noosa celebration

Ava, Laura, Jake and Brock came to Noosa from the Gold Coast. Photos: Rob Maccoll

Margie Maccoll

Schoolies wrapped up last weekend without incident and with school leavers saying they’d had an enjoyable week.

On Friday night school leavers on Hastings Street spoke about a week spent going to the beach, taking hikes in the bush and just hanging out with each other.

The students travelled to Noosa from the Gold Coast, Redlands, Brisbane and surrounding areas, choosing Noosa as a destination for a range of reasons.

A group who had spent a week at the Gold Coast came for their final weekend at Noosa because it was “a good spot“.

Another group chose Noosa because of its “chilled“ environment. “People organise things themselves,“ they said.

“We thought Noosa would be a safe place,“ another group said.

Red Frogs Australia members said about 500 schoolies registered in Noosa. The support network said schoolies gathered on Main Beach in the evenings but were generally back to their accommodation places by 10pm.

“No one was being silly or annoying,“ they said.

“When the beach started to die down we’d go to the hotels and cook pancakes. We had a few calls for kids who had had too much to drink to make some pancakes.“