Children of Courage

Isaac Young receives a Certificate of Courage.

Ron Lane

Once again, a group of Our People, known within our community as the Tewantin Noosa Lions, have undertaken a project that that can only be described as outstanding. This project is known as– Children of Courage

The purpose of this, we are informed by our Lions team spokesperson, Paul Beeston, is to recognise, with awards, an incredibly special group of young Australians and their families. These awards have been especially designed to recognise the courage and bravery shown by special needs children every day.

They stress that it is not a competition. Every child that is nominated receives the award: it is hoped that by receiving this, it will act as an encouragement for the future. It will help them believe in themselves, thus increasing their self- worth.

The families also benefit from the award, sharing in their pride, and recognition of how these children have overcome the many hardships that they face on a day-to-day basis.

There are four categories for which a child may be nominated.

Special needs. Children with special needs such as sight, hearing, speech impedinent, wheelchaired bound or long periods of hospitalization or medical treatments.

Courageous acts or deeds. Showing great concern for others: aided at an accident, instrumental in the preservation of life or property. This category may also include children who have undergone lifesaving operations or daily medical treatment: diabetes or siblings who actively participate in daily care for their brother or sister.

Inspiring sporting achievement. Children who have overcome great personal hardship or disadvantages, to achieve a high degree of sporting prowess, either as an individual or team member.

Sibling recognition. Siblings who actively participate in the daily care for their brother or sister, who have either a physical or intellectual disability.

Children can be nominated by anyone in the community but teachers are in a good position to recognise and nominate deserving children. The awards will be presented at an awards ceremony where the children will be individually recognised. If a school is able to cooperate in this project, then a Lion will coordinate with a nominated teacher or teachers.

It is indeed very gratifying to note, that within our community there are people, and or organisations, who are still prepared to devote their time and life’s experiences to help those less fortunate.

Such a man is Noosa’s Barry Bridges a proud Lion whose 50 years of service to his clubs, has been so noted. Dedication and loyalty such as this, is something that all who care about our district and families can take pride. Well done, Mr Bridges, well done.

The Lions Children of Courage Awards were first initiated in 1983 in Western Australia. The number of members who have been involved in this great cause through the years is something in which all Australians should note, acknowledge and respect.

The Seahorse Nippers.

The administrators and support group of the above named, is yet another organisation that, through the years have shown the families of those less fortunate, that their community cares. And what could be a better time to display this than Christmas.

At the recent Noosa Seahorse Nippers Saturday morning beach events and Christmas party, some 40 plus junior lifesavers were involved as Helpers.The presence of qualified lifesavers assured that all aspects of water safety were covered. But to get those little people to the water’s edge required yet another team.

This team consisted of two groups. First came the Lions carpark attendants, supplied by members of the Noosa Lions, and second the Noosa Surf Club Bus Boys.

Under the supervision of Big Peter Williams and supported by driver Tim Irvine and Tony Frost their job was to transport parents and Nippers from the Park to the beach front.

Since the formation of the Seahorse Nippers 11years ago, this job has been of the utmost importance. To safely convey the Nippers, some of whom were in need of personal help, is considered to be of the utmost importance.

And this year the addition of the Beach Mats has been nothing short of an outstanding success. Wheels of prams, and the little legs of the young that we need to assist over soft sand, have been made easier by the Beach Mats of Noosa.

On the beach the arrival of Santa was well received by the children, and Sacha Poxleitner playing the role, was voted by many, one of the best ever. Founding members Steve and wife Nicki Mawby expressed their gratitude.

‘’To all who worked to make this season one of the best, our sincere thanks. What made it so good was the fact that the program under which we worked was owned by everyone.

A very big welcome is extended to anyone interested in joining the Seahorse Nippers for next seasons program. This will commence in February of next year and those interested are invited to contact the surf club.”

The Saturday session wound up a very successful week for Steve Mawby. On the Wednesday prior he was invited to attend the monthly meeting of the Tewantin Noosa Lions where he was presented with a cheque for $1000, money which will be used in funding next seasons program.

After expressing his gratitude, he introduced Jasper Dokon a junior member. This young lifesaver took the opportunity to speak to the guests about his years in the club, firstly as a Seahorse Nipper and now as a junior.

‘’I like my life in the club and really enjoy what I am doing and I enjoy being here tonight.” Some of his escapades as a Seahorse Nipper and a junior had the guests laughing and it was easy to see, that this young man’s manner of speaking, was something that was enjoyed.

The recent activities of the Tewantin Noosa Lions Club, is something that should receive our full public acclamation. First was their major involvement in the Noosa Beach Mats Project.

As we all know, the outstanding success of this, has been the fact that it made possible a massive improvement in the way of life for so many of our men women and children. People, who until now were unable to appreciate the joys of a visit to their family beach

Now, there is their commitment to the Children of Courage project: yet again, a something that brings to our attention the need to become more aware and caring for those around us. In particular our children.

Once again, we at Noosa Today take the opportunity to thank groups of Our People, for their contribution to those in need.