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Let’s keep track

By ALEX HARRIS NOOSA Today is proud to present the first instalment of the monthly Koala Tracker column. The column is supplies by Koala Tracker...

Drug charges

Police Briefs A slate of drug charges were heard in Noosa Magistrates Court on Tuesday, with many defendants facing possible jail time. Of the cases, a...

Body of work pays off

By JOLENE OGLE HE HAS just taken out his maiden Australian Body Boarding Association Championship title and already local Jake Stone has his sights set...

Best poster go up

By JONATHON HOWARD THE Cooroy Community Bank branch of Bendigo Bank has awarded two lucky Cooroy State School students the prize for best posters as...

Fiery clash marks tribute

By JOLENE OGLE THE Coolum Dolphins may have been beaten by the Noosa Lions on Saturday, but the tribute game was a fiery clash that...

Of Hive Fame

By JOLENE OGLE SHE has been helping female surfers catch waves unhindered since 2005 and now Hive swimwear owner and Noosa local Kat Hogg has...

Rein in dogs plea

By JONATHON HOWARD NOOSA Council is pleading with dog owners to take responsibility of their pets following a spate of dog attacks this year. Council records...

Council draws a line… in the sand

By JONATHON HOWARD DEBATE is raging over the sandcastle man, Arron McCormick, who was asked to cease construction of his sandcastles on Noosa Main Beach...

Car yards vandalised

By JONATHON HOWARD A FORTITUDE Valley man has been charged with the alleged vandalism attack of two Noosaville car yards on July 8. Police believe...

Nut factory gets cracking after roast room fire

By JONATHON HOWARD NUTWORKS in Yandina has re-opened this week after a devastating fire in the roasting room halted operations. The fire was believed to have...

Readers take a shine to gloss

By JONATHON HOWARD NOOSA Today’s new gloss edition has received a tick of approval from locals and visitors following a change of format last week. The...

King high with 300 of a kind

OVER 300 bike enthusiasts gathered at Pomona on 6 July for the King of the Mountain Poker Run. Poker Run organiser Steven Stewart said he...

Council workers march for more pay

To chants of 'stand up, fight back' and 'stronger together' members of The Services Union (TSU) working at Noosa Council joined union representatives to...