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Water Spout

Local Vincent Van Zijl managed to snap this water spout at Sunshine Beach on Thursday 12 June.

Rotary toasts new president

GERALD Victor, OAM, is the new president of the Rotary Club of Noosa Heads. Mr Victor, who earned the Queen’s honour on the strength of...

‘No division’ Noosa shire

By JONATHON HOWARD SIX months have passed since the formation of Noosa Council and this week Councillor Frank Wilkie provides Noosa Today readers with his...

’Leave flying-foxes alone’

By JONATHON HOWARD NOOSAVILLE residents are worried that a flying-fox colony is being rudely disrupted near Wallace Drive - with calls to “leave the protected...

Boundary bid blow

By JONATHON HOWARD A PUSH to include Eumundi, Doonan, Verrierdale and Lake Weybe in the Noosa Shire boundary is facing early opposition from Sunshine Coast...

Party crashers damage car

By JOLENE OGLE A LOCAL mum is calling for the gatecrashers who damaged a car at her daughter’s 17th birthday party to come forward and...

Junction ideas flow in

By JONATHON HOWARD PLANS to reconfigure Noosa Junction parking along Sunshine Beach Road have been quashed due to planning restrictions, while ideas to boost customers...

Making kids smile

By JONATHON HOWARD THE bar has been set extra high for this year’s Smile for a Child John Piercy Memorial Charity Golf Day - and...

Noosa backs school chaplains

By JONATHON HOWARD NOOSA residents showed their support for the region’s school chaplains during the deputy mayor’s luncheon on Tuesday 17 June. More than 100 people...

Kindness Club shares the love

CHILDREN from the Kindness Club have been on a mission to bring a little happiness to the streets of Cooroy, performing random acts of...

How Noosa’s fame spread

THE Noosa brand is without doubt the best in the country - and a big thanks must be directed at two events, Jack Newton...

It’s a state issue, says council

NOOSA Council’s director of planning and infrastructure Martin Drydale said jetty leases and permits to occupy on the Noosa River was the responsibility of...

Noosa’s coastal clean-up begins, and residents can help

The start of the post-cyclone clean-up has begun on Noosa’s beaches with residents invited to lend a hand. Clean-up bags are available at various access...