More cash for community groups
Community organisations in Noosa will soon find it easier to apply for Community Benefit Fund grants of up to $35,000 thanks to a new,...
Winning club aims even higher
JOLENE OGLESunshine Beach Surf Club president Tim Johnson is already looking to the future following the club’s major win as the Best lifesaving Supporters...
Photo time for your four-legged friend
If you missed out on local photographer Craig Holmes’s last edition of the gorgeous coffee table book, Dogs and their Families, there’s another chance...
One-stop shop for volunteers
It takes many hundreds of volunteer hours and hands to help restore and protect natural bushland in Noosa for us all to enjoy. ...
Jazz man plans to bring New Orleans to Noosa
JIM FAGANNoosa will jump like New Orleans’ Bourbon Street on a hot Saturday night if local jazz muso Richard Stevens’ big idea comes off....
Perfect waves, beaut weather, massive crowds
All the above plus a fine touch of madness made last week’s Crick’s Noosa Festival of Surfing, presented by Jeep, perhaps the best ever....
WWW. The evil web of online crime
ISOBEL COLEMANCyber bullying, child sex exploitation, scams and fraud, IT theft – these are just some of the illegal, immoral activities that make up...
$8 million overhaul for ocean walk, scenic drive
JIM FAGANDesigns for a rebuilt boardwalk around Noosa National Park and tar sealing work on Dr Page’s Rd at Cootharaba to complete a scenic...
Noosa chosen for major Qld conference
ISOBEL COLEMAN Noosa’s position as the jewel in the crown of the Sunshine Coast’s tourism industry has been confirmed. Yesterday morning...
Ambos get a boost
JOLENE OGLE Noosa Heads ambulance service received a $215,000 boost this week, with the delivery of a new Mercedes Benz Sprinter van. ...
Family fights to stay in Noosa
ISOBEL COLEMAN A Noosaville family is fighting to stay in Australia after the Department of Immigration deemed their son too expensive to keep. ...
Bring back the 80’s, says Clean-Up Joe
JIM FAGAN A call to bring back the “Do the Right Thing” anti-litter campaign of the 1980s has been made by a despairing Councillor...