Insurance policy on music career
IT WAS at the tender age of 10 that the love of music for Gary Trim first really took hold.
Noosa bags 49 medals
THE hot weather last weekend drew big crowds to our local clubs, and happy to say our visitors both local and...
Behind bars for chappy
A LOCAL school deputy has answered a friend’s call for help and has been “arrested” for his efforts.
Noosaville State School deputy principal Wayne Carty...
Parliament rings to high praise for mayor
IN LIGHT of the recent election and in time for the three year anniversary of Noosa’s de-amalgamation, Noosa MP Glen Elmes has farewelled outgoing...
School’s stage skills honed
AFTER their success in 2015, Sunshine Beach State School is again preparing to tell their story in the 2016 National Wakakirri Story and Dance...
Lions top youth title
NOOSA District State High School (NDSHS) Year 12 school captain Matthew Craigie won the Sunshine Coast District level of national competition Lions Youth of...
Counting delays in scan ballot pilot
LOCAL media has reported the electronic ballot-scanning pilot launched in five councils during the weekend’s local government election in Queensland has caused...
A civilised election
IT WAS a warm morning when I went to the Christian Outreach Centre to cast my vote last Friday, but it was...
Fine dining in song
WHEN you hear the words “Mr Jones and Me” you could be forgiven for thinking of the song made popular by the Counting Crows...
Noosa takes shape in print
ONCE upon a time not so long ago, there was a kingdom of sand at the edge of a sea.
For many years, no one...
Experiment with bits on sticks
NOW that the festive season is a distant memory, and it is tempting to talk about food again, this little gem will have you...
Dancer turns to the US
A LOCAL ballet student has pirouetted her way overseas after being accepted to train at a prestigious dance school in the USA.
When watching Ella...