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Location shot is a beauty

Noosa has caught the eye of internationally renowned beauty company L’Oreal after a local home was selected by location scouts as the perfect scene...

Local writer’s big screen debut

YOU will be in a whole lot of trouble with Nan if you miss Sue McPherson’s screen debut at the national touring short film...

Ban dog racing plea

HUNDREDS of paws pounded the pavement at South Bank last Sunday 7 February for the Shut it Down Rally where lovers of greyhounds marched...

Best of the best

By RON LANE ONE cannot help but notice the sweet smell of success that is drifting through the three surf clubs within our Noosa...

Joyce blows 95 candles

Joyce Faunce celebrated her 95th birthday surrounded by friends and fellow swimmers when members from the Noosa Master Swimmers Club threw Joyce a party...

Your say on transport woes

COUNCIL candidate Mark Rodriquez is calling for community members to have their say in Noosa Council’s online Transport Strategy Survey, saying its “worthwhile” if...

Sunset soiree for koalas

Sydney-based pianist Ambre Hammond has joined the fight for Noosa koalas and will perform a sunset soiree in Noosa to raise funds for the...

Add sparkle to romance

TO celebrate St Valentine’s Day, Secrets Shhh, at 32 Hastings Street, Noosa Heads, is giving one lucky winner the chance to win a pair...

A talent for jazz

GET ready to shuffle your feet when one of Melbourne’s best jazz bands returns to the Noosa Jazz Club. The Shuffle Club is back again...

Jo Beth’s in the deep end on TVs African challenge

By MEGAN OGLE NOOSA’S Jo Beth Taylor is one of 12 celebrities who have volunteered to rough it in the African jungle for charity. Jo Beth...

Arts theatre honours builder

LIFE membership is an honour not bestowed on many, but for a local builder the unlikely honour hits the nail right on the head. Local...

New brand for the Bay

The much-loved Bay Village complex on Hastings Street has undergone a funky makeover revealing new branding and a fun and modern atmosphere. The food court...

Noosa’s coastal clean-up begins, and residents can help

The start of the post-cyclone clean-up has begun on Noosa’s beaches with residents invited to lend a hand. Clean-up bags are available at various access...