Noosa Dolphins U15s Triumph on New Zealand Tour

Dolphins U15s triumph in New Zealand.

Rohan Ramsden

The 20th edition of the annual Noosa Dolphins U15 Rugby Tour saw this year’s team travel to the South Island of New Zealand to play four different school sides and experience the unique culture and activities on offer.

The first stop was Christchurch, where Christchurch Football Club were the perfect hosts. Staying at the club’s accommodation, the boys immersed themselves in the semi-professional environment of one of the oldest Rugby clubs in the world. After some targeted coaching sessions with the club’s coaches, there were two games against quality opposition.

The first game was against Christchurch Boys High School, a world-famous Rugby school which currently has over 500 Rugby players and has produced over 40 All Blacks throughout their history. The weather was cold and wet, and the Noosa boys were well and truly out of their comfort zone. To their credit, they played to the conditions, controlling the ball in tight before creating space out wide. After a patient start, the gaps started to appear, and the tries started to come. Noosa were four tries in front before a late charge from Christchurch produced two tries of their own. In the end, Noosa were well-deserved winners.

The next game was against Shirley Boys High School, another strong Rugby school in Christchurch. Noosa picked up where they left off, and after some consistent pressure through strong forward carries close to the ruck, they eventually managed to penetrate the defensive line with a clever backline move to open the scoring. Again, the defense was relentless, and it took well-disciplined attacking structure to produce the next try. Eventually, Noosa claimed another hard-fought win.

Next stop, after a day’s travel, was a game against Mount Aspiring College in Wanaka. The team was treated to the cultural highlight of the tour with a traditional Māori welcome before the game. Wanaka is high in the mountains, and although it was still cold, the pitch was bathed in sunshine while surrounded by snow-peaked mountains, truly an inspiring backdrop. The game followed a similar pattern to the previous games. Hard work in close soon resulted in tries on the flanks. With the sun on their backs, the Noosa boys really started to enjoy themselves and played disciplined, exciting rugby to run out winners with an 8 tries to 3 scoreline.

The last game was less than 24 hours after the previous game, and it was a tired and sore squad who took the field against Cromwell High School. Again, a traditional Māori welcome provided another amazing experience for the team. Unfortunately for Cromwell, the Noosa squad had grown immensely in confidence and cohesion over the short period of the tour, and they proceeded to dominate the game against another spirited defensive effort from a side that never gave up. Noosa ran out eventual winners with nine tries to nil. It was particularly pleasing to keep Cromwell scoreless with solid defense across the field.

The squad was super excited to complete the four games undefeated. Total respect to the opposition who were relentless in defense; the Noosa boys showed what determined, focused teamwork can produce. They were ruthless in defense and disciplined and patient in attack.

After four games in the first five days of the tour, it was now time to let their hair down in Queenstown and enjoy the attractions on offer, including jet boating, go-karting, and skiing. With a full ten-day tour of rugby and activities, it was a tired bunch of young men that boarded the plane home, looking forward to the sun, warmer temperatures, and seeing their families.

The Noosa Dolphins U15s would like to take this opportunity to thank their sponsors, families, and the wider Noosa community for supporting the tour. It takes a monumental effort to raise the funds to support the tour, and it is only possible with the generous support of the wider community. The tour continues to be an amazing experience for the players, providing a greater connection to the Club and the sport of Rugby. It also provides an insight into a different culture and environment in a country that takes its Rugby very seriously.

Lastly, congratulations to the players and coaching staff who represented the Noosa Rugby Club, their families, and region with pride, leaving a positive impression wherever they went.