Planning for the year ahead

Vic Guest admiring a piece of Sunshine Beach Lifesaving History.

The importance of sport in our surf clubs cannot be emphasised enough. Their training for, above all, the carnival season, exposes them to the different conditions that will be encountered on the various beaches that they will visit.

The physical fitness plus the experience of different surf conditions will be of the outmost importance when facing the challenge of rescue work in times of big surf and difficult situations: and rescue work is of course our core business. The recent massive increase in our beach visitation can only emphasise the importance of highly trained and experienced patrol personal.

The recent creation and appointment of Surf Sports Manager in the Noosa Heads SLSC, Craig Law, is definitely a step in the right direction. With this will come properly organised, and supervised programs: programs that in this day and age are essential.

In a document recently released Craig said, “Let me welcome you all to the commencement of our training program, for the 2024/25 season for the Noosa Heads SLSC. From 3 June, our U17s to Masters athletes have recommenced as per the attached program. Focusing on strength and conditioning for the first month prior to returning to full training in July, with our coaching group.

We have provided two sessions per week as a Gold Squad, for those looking at the Coolangatta Gold, Short Course or teams of general endurance training with Head Coach Darren Mercer. Our senior athletes, particular those selected in teams to attend the Youth and Open Interclub World Champs or Coolangatta Gold, your return to Pool Squad Training, should commence from this coming Monday also.

This is merely a touch on what will now be available from programs now drawn up. Further on he states, “ I cannot reiterate enough how imperative it is for all our athletes to ensure that they are undertaking the appropriate level of Pool Squad Training if they truly wish to benefit from the new program for the duration of the season and ensure they have the required cardio base to undertake the predicted intensity of each season.”

Furthermore, he goes on to say, ‘’Given the length of the Surf Sports Season it is imperative to prioritise the loading of young developing athletes, to both manage fatigue, growth and maximise performance. I take the health and wellbeing of all our athletes seriously, and want to ensure their ability to be a part of our whole program across the season. With that in mind, our training block is commencing some nine months or approximately 36 weeks before the primary focus of every surf sports program at all clubs, that being the State and Aussie Titles.”

Also, he states that it is his intention to have a senior athlete meeting shortly, along with a separately meeting for our youth athletes also. “These meetings will also provide the appropriate clarity and information for the season ahead. If anyone has any queries don’t hesitate to contact me.”

There is also a training time table for all Active Members for annual training moving forward. These sessions are provided to those active, proficient financial members for fitness, general health, well-being and fun. Most importantly, it is a great way to build culture, camaraderie and catch up with fellow clubbies.

Again, this is just a touch of who (coaches ) and what is now becoming available to support our members.

On Sunday afternoon 2pm a large group gathered at the Sunshine Beach SLSC to show their respects and say farewell to Foundation Precedent and Life Member Vic Guest. Vic was a clubbie who definitely left his mark, not only in the Sunshine Beach Club but also in the Club at Noosa.

It was at Noosa that he served as a patrolling member and in 1976-78 held office as Club secretary. During this time Vic, a highly educated school teacher started what was to become successful career as co-author, with Jo Eshuys, on books regarding education. Another achievement was the fact that he became the first ever clubbie to do the Sunshine Beach to Noosa Main Beach swim.

Under the coaching of the legendary Alan Coates, he was to handle the swim with ease and earned the respect of all his Noosa club mates. Following this along with several other Noosa club mates, he went over the hill to reform the Sunshine Beach SLSC. Such was his contribution that he received the honour of becoming the Foundation President of this now famous surf club.

Amongst his many achievements was his guidance in the career of a young lady Wendy Swift (nee Weaver). Wendy, a strong swimmer, went on to become one of the first ever female Lifeguards in Australian Surf Life Saving history working under the Noosa Shire. Such is her outstanding attitude that she now plays a major role in the Para Olympics. At the wake Wendy acknowledged the guidance and support she has received from Vic Guest.

‘’At times it was tough. I had to break down many barries getting into this male orientated profession, But Vic was always there for me: and for that I was extremely grateful.” Also, amongst the guests were Life Members of the Noosa Club who were there to show their respect and bid a sad farewell: a lifetime devoted to the education of youth and the protection, of human life. So, on behalf of all present we say to this sometimes larrikin, “vaya con Dios” old club mate, “vaya con Dios.”