Top week of sport

U13 players from Coolum Colts.

Ron Lane

At the recent Queensland senior Surf Life Saving titles held at Mooloolaba, despite having a small team in attendance, Sunshine Beach were able to come away with a top 10 finish in the overall points score.

According to a club spokesman, the entire team, “displayed tenacity and skills beyond their years, and this was over a three -day period and competing against the best in the state.” The performance of several young members, could bear watching in the upcoming Australian Titles and beyond.

Gemma Welch Smith performed well over the entire weekend. In the U19 Women’s she took bronze in both the surf race and the belt race, and a fifth in the women’s Ironwoman. Another youngster to watch is Dylan Wilson. Starting his career in the U17s, he came home with a sixth place in both the ironman and the surf race and rounded up his performance with a fourth place in the toughest swim of all, the belt race.

Remembering the old saying that good belt swimmers aren’t made, they’re born, will give people an indication as to the high regard in which the champions of this once traditionally swim, were held. With this event now being revived, let’s give both Gemma and Dylan a very big well done and lots of encouragement. For our young to be not only supporting this tradition, but also contesting it, is to be applauded.

Once again Sunshine has shown great team spirit by hitting the team events with all competitors stepping up to support one and other and finish as close to the front as possible. The U19 men’s won silver in the beach relay, U17 men’s bronze in the board relay: and a close fourth in both the ski relay and the board rescue.

When we consider that the Sunshine Beach team, which contests all events on both water and beach, and have a coaching panel of just two, Wes and Jade Berg (husband and wife) these results are to be applauded. And most important of all their beach patrolling on this open and sometimes very dangerous beach, is top class.

Their IRB rescue teams, the support arm for the beach patrols, are also observers for that long open stretch of Sunshine Beach. As such they can, and often are, called upon when lives are in danger in that isolated, unpatrolled and very dangerous Alexandria Bay. Their performance in this region, is once again of the highest standard.

Sunshine Beach all in all, a very well- rounded, proud, and traditional surf club.

For Noosa club their strong point were the Masters. With a team of 36 competing they came home with a tally of 16 gold,19 silver and 15 bronze. These results saw them finish third Overall in the state.

Seniors and juniors were up against stiff competition. Female open ski relay performed well as did the boaties with several crews making the finals.


For the Noosa Heads SLSC, Sunday was indeed a day of tradition and pride. It was the 20th anniversary of the Shirley Strachan – Bruce Warren Memorial Swim. Originally known as the Shirly Strachan, the event had for several years been organised by the husband-and-wife team of Bruce and Sandy Warren.

Then in 2016 following the sudden death of Bruce, his name as a sign of gratitude and respect, was added to the title of the event.

Apart from organising the swim, Bruce was also responsible for raising the standard of swimming throughout the club plus, the training of rookie members for the swim test of the bronze medallion examination. Bruce’s name was included, with the full support of the sponsor McDermott Aviation and all senior members of his club.

Happy to relate this, the 20th had the biggest entry ever, 99 swimmers: and many were from the nipper ranks. Also, Bruce’s good club mate Peter French, who swam on Sunday, has contested all swims, definitely a fitting tribute.

In what can only be described as good conditions this 1.2k swim, judged in two divisions male and female from Little Cove to Main Beach was won by Electra Outram (F) and Jayden Morrow (M). In second placing Lola Gibbs Beal (F) and Killan Carrel (M) and third Steph Jones (F)and Nolan Carrel (M).

For his outstanding support and completion of all 20 swims, Peter French won the Continuity Prize. Well done to all who have swam and worked to keep this Club Tradition alive. In particular that great lady and clubmate Sandy Warren, swim organiser.

Rugby League

For the Noosa Pirates Rugby League Club Saturday 4 March will certainly be a day to remember. It was on this occasion that the inaugural NRL Dolphins turned up at Pirates Park to conduct a skills season. Players from Pirates U13,Coolum Colts and Nambour Junior Rugby League Club joined in for a training session with the NRL Dolphins.

In what would have to be their best training session of their life the event consisted of four sessions: skills rotation, referees talk regarding rule changes, from the U12 and U13s. It finished off with the three clubs having some game time.

‘’We would like to say a special thank you to our outgoing resident Paul Dwyer and president Liam Anlezark for coordinating this special event. A huge thank you to Shane Morris – game development officer NRL Dolphins, Beau Condon – games fevelopment officer NRL and legendary player Sam Tagatese for facilitating the session,” said sponsorship, social media and functions coordinator Deborah-Jane Gillard.

“It has been great working with Shane Morris on this project. Thank you to everybody who came down to the club. Having the Dolphins, here at Pirate Park was a high privilege for the club and a great synergy for our junior development program. We wish them all the best for their inaugural season.” said club president Liam Anlezark in his vote of thanks.

Speaking on behalf of the club Ms Gillard expressed her gratitude when she said, ‘’Thanks also to all Coolum and Nambour players and families for coming to Pirate Park today. Also, a big thank you to all our volunteers who helped make this event such a success.”

With Pirates now being one united club, having moved the Juniors from Cooroy to Pirate Park it can only go from strength to strength: events such as this can only strengthen club spirit.

Out on the playing field, Pirates Division 1 travelled to Helensvale on the Gold Coast for their first trial hit out of the season. In his assessment of the day Head Coach Michael Duff summed it up well.

‘’While the final result didn’t go our way, I was extremely happy with the squad and the couple of Div. 2 and 19s who played, showed they are capable of stepping up. We showed really good signs in attack when hitting our points on the field, resulting in tries. Defence in the first half mid field was outstanding : with our fitness matching that of Helensvale. However, with the oppositions being full of Queensland Cup experienced players, they were too strong in the second half winning the game 38 to 14.”

Amongst those who showed promise for the season ahead were: Dan Moveao team captain who led by example, Terry Carroll returning after a season off, Will Cousens hooker and Jett McCarthy playing at half, directing his team round the field.

“Interesting to watch will be Rugby union converts Rod Davis, Tyson Schief and Brandon Mayhew : all made some good touches during the game. And I am really looking forward to this Saturdays home game against South Toowoomba.” Kick off, is at 1.30pm U19s with the main game Div.1 at 6pm.