Flathead on the prowl

Nice flathead on Noosa River Fishing Safaris.

The Fraser and Sunshine Coast rivers will be firing up this month with some good bread and butter species coming onto the chew.

Flathead will be about in good numbers as they make their way downriver to spawn.

Look for those shallow banks on the run-out tide.

This will be prime territory for a big momma flathead to hang out, and where there is big momma there will be lots of smaller males vying for her attention.

The best plan of attack is to position your boat at the edge of the channel casting up onto the banks.

You need to time your run for the last couple of hours of the run-out tide.

Cast your lures in a scatter pattern over the bank.

If you hook up, continue to cast.

At this time of the year Flathead are very social creatures and where there is one there will often be more.

With the warmer days and warmer water temps, there are plenty of mangrove jack on offer.

Jacks are one of the great sports fishes and are plentiful in our river systems.

There are a variety of ways to target these fish.

One of mine is to be up nice and early and head upriver looking for those snags and drop-offs where a hungry jack loves to sit.

The run-out tide is best with the fish feeding on the food coming down the river.

This is a great time to get a baitcaster outfit out so you can get those lures in nice and close to bank to be in the strike zone.

If you are too far off the mark you will not be able to tempt Mr. Jack away from his snag.

As the sun gets a little higher in the sky its time to switch to trolling, as the fish tend to move to the deeper water to feed.

Tailor and trevally are also about with GTs, diamonds, cale cales, big eyes and golden trevally all eager to take a lure or bait.

Woods bays in the Noosa River comes alive early mornings with tailor and trevally keen to pounce on a well-presented lure.

Crabs are really coming on with better bucks finding their way into pots.

With the rain over the last few weeks, it is better to look for deeper holes and more saline water to place your pots.

On the beach, there are some nice gutters scattered along the Noosa’s North Shore with tailor and good-sized jew a frequent inhabitant.

Some good catches of jew will also come from the river mouth at this time of year.

Tailor and jewies will also make their presence felt around Inskip and the bottom of K’gari.

The low light periods are the best time to target these fish with the odd night fish, well worth the effort.

Some of my favourite baits for jewfish are either fresh mullet or some local squid.

Use larger baits at night as this is the best time to tangle with those larger fish over a metre.

Offshore reports have been a bit thin on the ground as most anger in smaller craft are finding conditions a little dangerous to head offshore.

Hopefully we will see better weather for the later part of the year and the blue water brigade can head out.

For those in larger craft, most stayed close.

Over at Sunshine reef the coral trout are about with the odd extra-large fish amongst them.

Tuna action is starting to heat up with quite a few tuna on offer in the bay and the close reefs.

For all the latest information, log onto www.fishingnoosa.com.au for up-to-date bar and fishing reports, don’t forget to drop into Gympie’s Newest tackle store “The tackle Shop”, Tackle World Noosa, and Northshore Bait & Tackle in Marcoola for all the right equipment, bait and advice to get you catching.

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