Teens head to aerobics world comp

Tewantin teenagers are in training for world championships.

After training together since 2015 at Champs Sport Aerobics Club two Noosa athletes Sian Pawson, 16, and Chloe Douglas, 14, have this year made their dreams a reality by qualifying in the 2023 Australian team to compete at the FISAF World Championships in Belgium from 25-28 October.

While other teenagers are taking it easy these teens will spend their school holidays and the next five weeks training to take on the best in the world in Belgium with the Czech Republic their biggest competitors.

Coach Casey Douglas said Chloe of Tewantin, had won every one of her competitions this season including Schoolaerobics State and National Champions and FISAF State and National Champion in the prestigious Junior International Woman category prior to being selected to represent Australia at the 2023 FISAF World Championships in Ghent, Belgium. After such a strong Australian season and making the world finals, placing sixth Chloe is very keen to travel and compete, Casey said.

Sian, also of Tewantin, has been competing in two elite divisions this year, Casey said. As an individual Sian is Schoolaerobics Regional Champion, State runner up and National 4th place getter, FISAF state runner up and National finalist in the Youth International Woman category, placing eighth in the largest elite section of the competition. In duo Sian and her duo-partner Maddy from interstate took out the FISAF State championship and placed fourth in the Youth International Duo category gaining a place on the Australian Team for the first time.

Chloe and Sian train four or five times per week with their coach Casey at the Noosa Leisure Centre and Sunshine Beach State High School.

“The above results are amazing achievements for our small regional club,“ Casey said. “The girls are certainly holding their own. With Chloe and Sian’s participation at the World Championships, it is our club’s sixth representation on the biggest stage for a Sport Aerobic event.

“We would love to hear from anyone who would be interested in sponsoring Sian and Chloe as Sport Aerobics is a fully self funded sport. All assistance would go directly towards Australian team uniforms, flight and accommodation for the world championships.

For more information visit facebook.com/Champssportsaerobics/ or catch them on Instagram.