How to get results and keep them

JMT Noosa physical and mental performance coach, Jamie Milne.

By Jamie Milne

Q. What’s the key to consistency?

A. Consistency

When it comes to our health, maintaining it consistently, or the attempt to start a health journey is by far the hardest part.

We’ve all been there. I remember the day I had to start again. I was a whopping 116kg, obese, deeply hungover, emotionally and mentally unhappy, nine months out of the Navy, disgraced, depressed, and done. It was the morning of Christmas Eve, 2005, and I was 26.

When I stepped into my first gym post military and saw all the “fit” bodies, I wanted to do a 180 degree turn, run into Banjos and grab four sausage rolls. But it was also in that moment I decided to stick it out because I had committed to my grandfather and myself, and I made a conscious deliberate effort to not quit this time.

So why is committing to consistency important?

1. It lays the framework for long-term achievements.

2. It supports the development of new habits.

3. It builds momentum to sustain accomplishments.

4. It creates self-confidence, self concept, a strong self image.

5. It develops new wellness opportunities, increases longevity.

Whenever I have a new client or a regular client who has been ‘absent’ for some time I reflect on this list.

See our health is by far the greatest form of wealth, just ask someone who doesn’t have it, and consistency is the gatekeeper.

Thinking of the alternative is a great motivator (think weight gain, depression, alcohol and drug over use, excessive sausage rolls and Tim Tam abuse). For some this still doesn’t cause enough pain to force change.

So, as a suggestion, practice showing up, it doesn’t matter if you’re prepared, on time or late, slow or fast, overweight, feeling weak, what matters is showing up. Showing up is a win.

Showing up for yourself starts the habit forming process. These habits inevitably turn into something that we no longer must do, but look forward to doing.