Impressive catches

Aiden Whiteman with a solid DI tailor

Although conditions are still a bit all over the place the fishing switch has definitely been in the on position.

On the beach conditions aren’t too bad for travel.

Mudlow rocks has started building up with sand and access past them is now open on the very bottom of the tide with the odd rock to hop over.

Big tailor over 70cm have been landed off Double Island headland Inskip and Fraser.

Reports are filtering through that the bottom end of Fraser (Eurong south) is exceptionally dirty at present but cleans up the further north you venture.

Big dart, which are delicious fresh if handled properly, have been in great numbers around the Oaks area at Inskip and there have been some very nice whiting caught along the camp grounds stretch of Teewah.

Rainbow Beach Amateur Anglers just had their October club comp and there were some nice land based snapper from Teewah beach amongst there bag.

Temps are on the rise and the jacks and barra certainly know it in the straights.

There’s still a bit of time before the barra closure kicks in on Friday 1 November and large number of anglers through Gardiner Fisheries store this week reported captures, near captures and sightings of good size barra up the further regions of our local creeks.

One angler reported two schools of approximately 20 fish on his side scan sounder while another landed a specimen around the 1m mark targeting jacks.

Not only are they up the reaches around the natural structure like fallen logs and coffee rock ledges, they can be found around man made structure like large moored vessels, wharves, pontoons and rock walls.

One of their favourite haunts are illuminated areas at night that draw in baitfish of all descriptions.

Barra in this region have been considered a lucky catch with most anglers unaware of their large presence in the southern straights waterways.

This number has exploded in recent years having a huge kick along after the 2011 floods.

Flying under the radar with virtually zero recreational and commercial impact on them in the southern straights they have significantly grown in numbers to the point we now have a very special, well established barra fishery for anglers.

Who would have thought that you could catch wild, trophy size barra just 2 hours from Brisbane.

Working large paddle tails such as the 5” shads lures “Hollow shad” and the 220mm TT Enforcers around the structure has been working well.

Larger glide baits in the berkeley range have also taken fish however its imperative to make sure the hooks supplied on most lures are up to the task of handling barra, you don’t want to drop that fish of a lifetime.

Limited offshore to report this week with most anglers taking the time out to catch up on maintenance, servicing etc.

Those that did venture out for a short morning session reported cobia and Nannygai on the closer grounds.

Whether your a mad keen fisher or just starting out in the sport, it’s worth checking out your local fishing club.

Rainbow Beach Amateur Anglers (RBAA) can school you up on the local areas while having great fun during their monthly comps.

Inshore, Offshore and Surf.

If you’re interested in taking your fishing to the next level check them out at