World at her feet

Gympie girl Madison Pomerenke in the Queensland side goes for a kick in 2021

By Donna Jones

Madison Pomerenke has the rugby world at her feet, and her mum and stepdad have every intention of helping her reach her full potential.

The talented 15-year-old scrum half has “repped in every side“ according to stepdad, Matthew Drummond, who couldn’t be prouder if she were his own flesh and blood.

“We were coming down three times a week from Bundy, and one of the blokes said ’why don’t you just move down here?’,“ he said.

So Matthew secured himself a job, which was relatively easier than finding the next piece of the puzzle, which was a home to rent, before he moved Madison and her mum Moana down here, six months later.

Now, Madison is still travelling twice a week, this time to Brisbane, to participate in the Queensland Academy of Sport Under 18s Top 20 squad.

This is the latest feather in her cap, because aside from playing with her beloved Gympie Hammers, she has regularly been picked for the Sunshine Coast Stingrays 15 aside and 7s, and the Queensland Country 15s not to mention playing on the Queensland 7s Under 16 side last year.

She was also the captain of the Queensland 7s Under 15 team, and with her recent addition to the QAS squad, is all set to make great things happen.

As for Madison, she just loves the game, and lives to play, preferring union to league.

“I just love the environment, and the game flows a lot better,“ she said.

No doubt she’ll be one to watch in coming years.