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Heritage Centre open day

If you’ve been watching those TV shows that ask, Who Do You Think You Are?, this is a chance to see for yourself how...

Fly high this aviation open day

Gympie Airfield at Kybong will open the gates to an Aviation Open Day and Static Display of warbirds, helicopters, fixed wing, gliders, parachute drops,...

The whales are coming

Its time to keep an eye out for the whales now the humpback migration season has begun with Double Island Point Lighthouse offering some...

Perma-guru in Cooroy

Global permaculture educator and communicator Morag Gamble will be the special guest speaker at a Permaculture Noosa evening on Tuesday 1 February at Cooroy...

Sunshine Coast welcomes back tourists

The Sunshine Coast tourism industry is ready to welcome holidaymakers with accommodation, attractions and tours open and back to business as usual.    Visit...