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Tag: Health

Jury’s out on vitamin pill popping

The big question is: do vitamins have healing power? The jury is still out on that one. In a recent study, scientists tracked large groups...

‘Try For 5’ for a healthy lifestyle

By Hollie Harris Are you eating enough vegetables? If you answered “no“, you’re not alone. As many as 93 per cent of Queensland adults are not...

Identifying mental health issues

New research by beyondblue shows most people are unable to identify the most common mental health issue in Australia. A survey reveals two in three...

Good sports active for life

By Tyrone Saul Many Australians share an obsession with sport, with over 66 per cent of us participating in some form of sporting activity each...

Is back stiffness just a trick of the mind?

New scientific evidence from a University of South Australia researcher shows - for the first time - that feelings of back stiffness may purely...

Stick to basics of good eating

By Hollie Harris With so many different diets going around these days (many which disguise themselves not as diets but lifestyle) it’s no surprise we...

Lift weights to lose weight

By Tyrone Saul There is strong evidence to support that a combination of lifting weights and aerobic exercise not only assists in losing weight, but...

Out-of-balance hormones take life off track

Hormonal support - PMS to menopause Out of balance hormones can leave women experiencing symptoms such as feeling moody, weight gain, irregular cycles, heavy or...

Benefits in recovery of cancer patients

By Tyrone Saul There have been many clinical trials addressing the impact exercise has on people with cancer both during and after treatment. There is...

Tips to ease back into exercise

By Hollie Harris If you’re itching to get back into your fitness routine after illness, there are a few ways to avoid setbacks. So how...

Tightening belts to reduce obesity

Three kilos off the average Queenslander is all it could take to help lighten the state’s burgeoning overweight and obesity crisis, according to an...

Pampered to perfection

By Hollie Harris As consumers, we readily splurge on a night out to dinner or the movies, but rarely spend on a luxurious treat for...

Falcons take on PNG Hunters in footy blockbuster

Rugby league fans can enjoy a feast of footy at affordable prices at Sunshine Coast Stadium this Saturday 15 March. The headline act will see...

Heroes of the sea