More art is on the way

Artist Rose Barry.

THE third instalment in the Butter Factory Arts Centre’s rolling four-month arts initiative will be unveiled on Saturday 4 July.
The official opening will be conducted at 2pm by local artist Judy Barrass who works in artist books, small sculpture, environmental installation, printmaking and alternative publishing. Judy also works as a new media artist under the name ‘Juanita Deharo’.
Locals and region visitors are invited to come along, enjoy complimentary wine and nibbles, enjoy the music of local trio FlashJack and view the new works including that of some who were not in the first two iterations.
The event is an initiative of the Noosa Regional Gallery and will see four exhibitions of regional artists and artisans over four months.
Innovative multi-award-winning French-born artist, Beatrice Prost’s work appeared in the second exhibition.
“A group show is always a pleasure, so I couldn’t say no,” she said.
“It’s an amazing opportunity to have a constant presence and to show our unique local richness to our community”.
Rose Barry, another award-winning artist, added that it was a “very effective way to bring art to the wider community in an accessible venue and at affordable prices”.
For more information: : or phone 5329 6580.