The netball season is underway with lots of local action from both the indoor and outdoor winter competitions.
Monday night was the grand finals of the Season One indoor competition, where the Radox’s 38 defeated the Knights 36 in a close Division 1 game, the RNB’s 39 took out the Phantoms 16 in Division 2, By The Rules 22 scraped in for a win over the Wildcats 17 for Division 3, and Rebels 31 defeated the Angels 24 for Division 4.
Season Two indoor competition sign-on is set for 14 July.
The winter outdoor season is now in its sixth week of fixtures, the very junior Net Set Go players aged 5 to 9 years are learning news skills every week and the association is planning a junior club carnival for 20 July.
July will also be sign on for Season Two indoor and the outdoor Thursday night competitions. Plenty of opportunity for everyone.
In the meantime, Noosa Netball’s rep teams continue to attend carnivals. There has been great improvement in their game skills, team spirit and competitiveness. The most recent carnival was at Pine Rivers and they have already competed at the Sunshine Coast and Brisbane Netball Associations.
The all-day events keep the teams on the go -usually playing six games each. Training began back in February and the rep season will continue through July with more events. The season will wrap up after the 12 years compete in their three-day Challenge Carnival in July and the 16 years compete in the two-day Sunshine Carnival in Rockhampton.