Call for life-savers


A COOROY family are calling on the local community to help save their son’s life.
Luke Reinbott was just 20 when his life changed forever. A brain injury from a fall in 2011 left him paralysed and unable to speak, with doctors holding little hope the Cooroy local would survive his injuries.
Luke’s dad, Paul Reinbott, said the days spent in intensive care at the Royal Brisbane Hospital (RBH) were some of the family’s darkest days.
“It’s been rough,” he said. “We’ve been through a lot. All we could do was spend every day next to his bed, talking to him.”
Luke spent 14 months in hospital and rehabilitation, where he and his family faced constant challenges, but Paul said the family never gave up on their inspirational son and brother.
“It was 12 days before his pupils responded to light,” Paul said. “It was like we were a rubber band constantly being stretched and stretched.”
Luke spent his 21st birthday in the food court of RBH, but Paul said Luke was able to overcome the direst of prognoses to walk out of the rehabilitation centre 14 months later.
“Seven people left the rehab centre the same day as Luke, but only one of them went home while the others went to care facilities,” he said. “That was our Luke. He’s meant for something big. He’s inspirational.”
Luke has begun to walk and can speak, and while his family are helping him re-learn skills such as maths, Luke was looking to be making great progress.
But another health scare has surfaced, with concerns a filter that was placed in Luke’s artery to prevent blood clots has moved.
Luke needs specialised surgery in the US – to remove the filter that has corroded the wall of his artery – at a cost of more than $130,000, but Paul said they would try anything to help their son live pain-free.
“We have to have a go,” he said. “I don’t care if the surgery is twice the price, it’s worth it to help Luke. If one of the prongs of the filter breaks off then that is like a metal toothpick in his heart. And that’s not good.”
Luke’s family along with local charity Smiles of Strength are working hard to raise the funds needed to get Luke the surgery he needs.
If you would like to donate visit or you can donate directly to Smiles of Strength with the following bank details, BSB: 014 311 and account number 2886 9953 4.